Politics Super Thread - keep it all in here

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Sadly free speech balanced media is finished I'm afraid especially in this country.

Right side politics in Australia is suffering because of a lack of decent media. And apart from the Guardian which at least provides details with a heavy slant other left wing media is pathetic, including the ABC which was my favorite which now focusses on marginal issues.

With the cold war coming up it's going to get worse I'm afraid.

The ABC has massively changed for the worse under Buttrose.
It's not like that though mate. The left just aren't the crazies. The left don't say elections were false or that COVID policies in Florida were bad compared to Australia when it's clear these policies killed people or that the Ukraine war is an act.

It's all the crazy right.

The funny thing is people like myself who are middle right are now left wing and it's happening everywhere. Normal people don't like extremists.

I get called left wing on this forum and I'm a capitalist who believes that your the best way ahead in life is to go out and do it yourself. I've read and loved basically all Ayn Rand's books.

I'll add that the crazy right aren't right wing like me in that they aren't capitalists. They are much more aligned to the Nazi's or other right wing populist movements that end up with a bigger autocratic government. It's the polar opposite to for instance libertarian type policies.
I've been told my political views are right wing as well & one thing that's scary to me as someone who is in there early 20s is the emergence of all these fascist extreme right wing personas lately. Things like White supremacy, anti semitism you name it have seem to taken a rapid emergence the past two years & for the life of me I don't know why. Someone like Nick Fuentes for example... a poor excuse of a human.
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I've been told my political views are right wing as well & one thing that's scary to me as someone who is in there early 20s is the emergence of all these fascist extreme right wing personas lately. Things like White supremacy, anti semitism you name it have seem to taken a rapid emergence the past two years & for the life of me I don't know why. Someone like Nick Fuentes for example... a poor excuse of a human.

It has become far more widespread with the advent of the internet and lunatic fringe groups spreading their vitriol.What makes it worse imo is the fact that some main stream political parties all over the world have not condemned it.Freedom of speech should not mean freedom to promote bigotry and vilification
I think the reason for the extremism is chiefly because both the right and left have abandoned their core constituents.

The left abandoned workers, housing affordability trade unions and major public works. They should've mandated their central banks to aim for sub 2% unemployment rates and affordable housing.

The right abandoned nation, low immigration rates, national industries and conservative family values and implemented obstructive small business legislation.

If people aren't listed to or cancelled they go from indifference to radical as things get tougher.
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“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States, where men were free.” R Reagan

I've been told my political views are right wing as well & one thing that's scary to me as someone who is in there early 20s is the emergence of all these fascist extreme right wing personas lately. Things like White supremacy, anti semitism you name it have seem to taken a rapid emergence the past two years & for the life of me I don't know why. Someone like Nick Fuentes for example... a poor excuse of a human.
Those sub groups have existed for decades.
You are only hearing about it more now because people are being labelled these things far too regularly and incorrectly.
I've been told my political views are right wing as well & one thing that's scary to me as someone who is in there early 20s is the emergence of all these fascist extreme right wing personas lately. Things like White supremacy, anti semitism you name it have seem to taken a rapid emergence the past two years & for the life of me I don't know why. Someone like Nick Fuentes for example... a poor excuse of a human.
Nick Fuentes is an idiot and there are plenty out there on the left and right, people like Sam Harris is a great example, an unstable far lefty mental midget when it comes to politics. Watch 3 mins of 'The View" for some Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar far left extremists on TV. The extreme far left personalities are on your TV all day everyday shoved down your throat and you don't even realise it......maybe some channel 10 Project?

People on the right have been labelled 'fascists' since social media took off in the late 00s and early 2010's. Anything against the left (who controls most legacy and social media outlets) they would be called extreme far right, NAZI, racist, yada yada, those terms lost their meaning a decade ago as the left used and continue to use them at every opportunity to smear their opponents. Nobody cares now what the left says. If they try to smear someone by using the old 'fascist' term, that person is usually over the target. Just look at how the left fawned over Musk........nek minnit because he took Twitter off the far left he is now the anti Christ and besides Sky News every news outlet is letting you know it. Obvious is obvious.
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CNN, The Clown News Network, known the world over as a far lefty activist propaganda channel pretending to be news is being clowned on again on the interwebs. The Hunter laptop story, Michael Avenatti, Covington kids, Mostly peaceful rioting, Kyle Rittenhouse, Russia misinformation, This lefty dumpster fire knows no shame.
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