Actions speak louder than words - Is it corruption or favouritism ? To the NRL, please explain what's going on !!!

These decisions going against us isn't why we aren't winning. We aren't winning because we make too many mistakes at key moments, however it shouldn't mean that we get so many decisions against us when others get away with the same incidents.
Where's our coach and experienced senior figurehead when you need him?
Make some God damned noise Benji and maybr.. Just maybe... something may change for us for the better.
Doubtful,. But the silence is deafening.
Support your bloody players Benji.. Show some leadership
It’s not the year for it. Todd Payten picked the time / year perfectly.
Likewise did the Warriors owner last year.
It would be a wasted blow up this year given we are much closer to the spoon then the final series.
Save it for next year when we need a bit of the rub of the green to get some lucky wins.
Should put other thread but now Latrell put sin bin supposed hip drop and major reason was Sean Russell grabs his ankle
Coaches should tell players whenever tackled from behind ,Grab your ankle and writhe in pain and will likely put your team in a 13 on 12 situation for 10mins .This gives a major benefit and it will be milked to high heavens
The NRL have created a situation whereby it seems hip drop tackles are in epidemic proportion -Or Are they just the latest way of exploiting the rules !
You’ve only just noticed this? Though the hip drop is not the only tackle the players are feigning injury for. It’s effectively any leg contact and they are slow to play the ball, showing agony or discomfort. Then the ref pulls it up.
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Now Parra putting on the "Fake Crusher" tackled grabs neck and split second he hears whistle he jumps to his feet no problem .
Need to rename the Awards night from Dally M to the Oscars
Now Parra player on report for hip drop but no sin bin ?
The whole things out of control .! Well done NRL -----LOL !!!
Goodness is this the first Parra game you have watched?
This is common play for them.
Imo they turned the Holmes incident soft due to “extenuating circumstances” ie if Dearden wasn’t involved it wouldn’t have ended up a hip drop.Now that’s definitely open to criticism and with out getting an expert to break down each frame of the tackle we’ll never know.
Klemmer was a lot more clear cut, as was Galvin and Olam, so much easier to rule on.
I don’t like it any more than you but I don’t think it’s a vendetta, it’s just the way decisions have fallen.
I disagree, Klemmer still had a foot on the ground the moment Twal collided with him resulting in him flipping over and in a ‘hip drop’ position.
How exactly was Holmes to bring down Papali from grabbing his waist without using his body weight to stop his progress. It was leading to hip drop whether Dearden collided or not.
So 4 of the 5 longest hip drop suspensions have gone to Tigers players, despite the fact that none of these so called dangerous tackles injured anyone, no opponent missed a minute.
Yet the dangerous tackles that cause injuries are handed a paltry fine? The rules are not working, not making the game safer. They're just making the weakest side even weaker
Our first game against The Dolphins this year ,Bula went through and set up Olam for nice try,it was called foward (which it was) but you can see similar passes every week in the NRL that never get called back.
I hate blaming refs ,it’s loser mentality,however we are a terrible footy team that also seems to fall on the wrong end of 50/50 calls more often than not.
Winning fixes the issue.
Shoulder charge should have been penalty and possibly even 10 in the bin.

But let's be fair; if we are cherry picking moments in games and relying on penalties to get us over the line, we don't really have control of the game to start with.

We are simply not good enough to compete against most teams and that is the common denominator. Not ref's.
To be fair there’s so many penalty instances these days. I wouldn’t call it cherry picking more like harvesting!
But I get your point just saying we would of won a few more games this season if the reffing was fair.
He was inside the 10 metres when the fullback made contact .....we got a fair shake with the ref's......Holmes was dubious as far as suspension goes .....probably should have got a week .....the shoulder charge was the other contentious call .....I didn't have an issue his arm was away from his body just .....
For over 3 years maybe more u have to have your arms in a rapping motion on the player not arms just hanging there.
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That’s my point. The Tigers ones have been text book hip drops. So yeah they got what they deserved.
I don’t really subscribe to the whole “the refs are against us” view. I think fans see what they want to and overlook what they want to. Klemmer should have gone to the bin last night and didn’t. Isn’t that in our favour when the argument here is we’re always shafted?
Don’t get me wrong, there’s always calls in games that go against us but that’s the same for all teams if you watch objectively. Conversely, and as per the Klemmer example, there’s calls that go in our favour too but many just want to talk about the dodgy ones.
We’re just a poor side pure n simple. That’s what’s holding us back as far as I’m concerned.
Don’t agree Olam was being pulled along by thevv cab player then another defender knocked him over causing the dangerous tackle. Not to different in essence than the Holmes one.
Noticed some forum "fans" have challenged the premise of this thread about MRC/JUDICIARY bias against WT .Citing track record and technicalities of the tackle but since I pointed out a simpler case of inequity in 2 tripping charges no one has challenged this so I assume its agreed there is some bias !!
Pretty sure the Papalli (Canberra) tackle was similar to the Holmes one. He was impacted by another player which resulted in the contact and he was given a week. The NRL have no capacity to effectively control all that happens in a collision sport - nor often does the player- and they pick and choose the outcome with no level of consistency. They have created another rod for their own back and I expect this crackdown will disappear much like the disruptor before too long.
Goodness is this the first Parra game you have watched?
This is common play for them.
Goodness is this the first Parra game you have watched?
This is common play for them.
To. Be fair to @Stevec..liomel.richies up immedieditaley was the most blatant 'wait for the whistle BS" incident I've ever seen
Pretty sure the Papalli (Canberra) tackle was similar to the Holmes one. He was impacted by another player which resulted in the contact and he was given a week. The NRL have no capacity to effectively control all that happens in a collision sport - nor often does the player- and they pick and choose the outcome with no level of consistency. They have created another rod for their own back and I expect this crackdown will disappear much like the disruptor before too long.
They can’t have a crackdown on hipdrop disappear as they can be very destructive to players. However much like the high tackle crackdown of magic round a couple of years ago, they’ll use more commonsense when penalising them. We still get high contact penalties, but it isn’t necessarily an automatic bin anymore.
I thinks it's crazy that some supporters don't think we get screwed over consistently. We absolutely do. That being said I actually think Val Holmes' tackle wasn't a hip drop, it was just unfortunate. The impact from Dearden propelled Holmes to land where he did. If he didn't get knocked his tackle is perfect. No intention whatsoever. Klemmers and Galvins were intentional.
Intention doesn't matter. Outcome does.

Very few players intend to make contact directly with the head, yet it happens and they are rightly penalised.

A system where a player gets 3/4 weeks suspension, but their victim plays the ball and plays on (Klemmer) and another player destroys the ankle of the opposition player yet only receives a fine (Holmes) is a broken system.

What exactly constitutes 'dangerous' then? Given the tackles were in the same realm of tackling style.
Not to mention Galvin was offside with the 2nd try .....people need to watch WTs game without their black white and gold sunnies on .....
Players that have been offside on kick chases and go on to be inside the 10m but NOT become involved in the play have been cleared as ok plenty of times by the bunker in the past.

It's a common sense decision using discretion and the right one.

So no, both our first two tries were fine.
Noticed some forum "fans" have challenged the premise of this thread about MRC/JUDICIARY bias against WT .Citing track record and technicalities of the tackle but since I pointed out a simpler case of inequity in 2 tripping charges no one has challenged this so I assume its agreed there is some bias !!
Present your evidence the Rooster one was worse.