CEO - Shane Richardson

I'd like to see more on the hiring front. So far it's been mostly firing!
He doesn’t do things by committee. When he ran a QLD club he boasted that he put himself on the 3 man selection committee and told the third bloke he would be backing the coach every time. I get the feeling he has identified a lot of unnecessary processes happening at WT and he’s on a mission to simplify and if it’s not helping us win, see ya.
Richo thanked me for email and said he would consider my suggestions such as Ronnie to come back for dna purposes.

I told him that Rome wasn’t built in a day, so he “should prolong the emergency measures for at least a year.”

Richo is very expensive, but worth it to us as a drowning club. It is easy to justify at present.

He’s very keen on members not just fans as a large membership base will justify a lot of the changes.

Apart from the obvious, I don’t know the case for sacking a few of the lessor lights, but it’s not really our decision.

When the new board is up and running, us members need a lot of power.

We’ve got to consider how the last group of knuckleheads took power and do everything to prevent the snouts reaching the trough again.
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I hear you guys. But he's gotten a lot of credit at the moment for just firing people. In terms of players, Luai and Olam were both pretty much over the line earlier. Even the prior management had started moving on noffa.

Don't get me wrong. I like what he's done. I'm just saying lets not go singing his praises so soon.
Richo thanked me for email and said he would consider my suggestions such as Ronnie to come back for dna purposes.

I said that Rome wasn’t built in a day, so he should prolong the emergency measures for at least a year.

Richo is very expensive, but worth it to us as a drowning club.

He’s very keen on members not just fans.
Just a request Karen, please stop emailing the poor bloke! He's getting toes lopped off... he should be resting and using the rest of his energy to make decisions.
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I hear you guys. But he's gotten a lot of credit at the moment for just firing people. In terms of players, Luai and Olam were both pretty much over the line earlier. Even the prior management had started moving on noffa.

Don't get me wrong. I like what he's done. I'm just saying lets not go singing his praises so soon.
Prior management talked a big game about a lot of stuff. Richo just quietly makes things happen without a song and dance. The worst thing he could do is leave too soon.
Jus a request Karen, please stop emailing the poor bloke! He's getting toes lopped off... he should be resting and using the rest of his energy to make decisions.
It was one email welcoming him to hell and a thank you type after he responded.

I have to be polite and civilised and show him he’s not dealing with toothless, deranged and muddled headed souths and panthers folk anymore.

He’s at a real club now with the best fans and members in the game,
Absolutely, quite often the case.
There’s still the gear steward mystery. Surely you can’t stuff up carrying a couple of footys and a few traffic cones.

Then again, he probably kept dropping stuff everywhere. Coached by Tim obviously.

Still as I mentioned earlier today, I insisted to Richo that Ronnie be welcomed back into the fold. I said it was for “dna reasons”
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There’s still the gear steward mystery. Surely you can’t stuff up carrying a couple of footys and a few traffic cones.
Maybe they rolled up his duties into the coaches / assistant coaches. Decided to spend those extra thousands on newer GPS technology to get the players fitter. Just speculation but you gotta find the competitive advantage wherever you can.
Maybe they rolled up his duties into the coaches / assistant coaches. Decided to spend those extra thousands on newer GPS technology to get the players fitter. Just speculation but you gotta find the competitive advantage wherever you can.
That is ken brilliant.

You must be a member of Mensa or something.

Maybe the gear steward has a meeting with comrade Clint. If all gear stewards go out in sympathy, the players will have to carry their own stuff. They’ll be none of that from our ugly lot. Far too cool and important to carry anything.
Not in their contract I’m afraid.

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