David Nofoaluma #164

Come on now, let’s be fair, he’s a good winger, not a great one but good. The problem now is like with othe ego heads that extort more money than they are worth, he is now expected to deliver in both A and D, and lead, and he’s only just managing one of those disciplines.
Comes alive in the red zone only - the rest of the times it’s side to side
If he was only on 350 he would still be driving a clapped out Commodore.
I don’t care what cars people drive. Ute’s are where it’s at. I have a BT50 last month of the ford motor in it.
Ferraris suck no tray.

Penrith may get Brooks on loan if it all goes pear shape for Cleary :)
Last night I asked Noddy who's sharing rooms tonight and who are the trouble makers.
He said the trouble makers stayed in Sydney. I laughed.
Now that I've had time to think about it, I wonder if he's referring to Noffa and that there's more to the story than what meets the eye. 🤔
Last night I asked Noddy who's sharing rooms tonight and who are the trouble makers.
He said the trouble makers stayed in Sydney. I laughed.
Now that I've had time to think about it, I wonder if he's referring to Noffa and that there's more to the story than what meets the eye. 🤔
B. Mmmmmm
They dont need halves. Simple. Sorry to ruin the anti Brooks agenda.
I've been a Brooks defender all the way through.

I've even jumped in and defended Paws when he was being bashed re Brooks.

I'm not a Brooks defender anymore.

I'm now convinced Brooks will never be any better than he is now [and that isn't good enough] as to me it seems he crashes under pressure which results in him making stupid decisions in so many ways which stuffs our attack.

Defensively he is good and doesnt shirk his responsibility as he is a tough little bugger, but I guess it doesn't take much to work out what an effective tackle will be.

I'd love to see him go to the Storm to see if Bellamy can do anything with him, but I doubt it as he has been playing the game his way for too long, and we know what we say about old dogs.