Isaiah Papali’i #265

Pretty simple if you don't fulfil your contract you don't get paid. No Club is paying a player to sit at home and the NRL won't register him a contract with another club for 3 years under the guidelines I believe.

No person can be forced to
What the hell was Tamou just doing was on the news saying he could understand IP not wanting to come to the Tigers. What a bloody moron mentioned the Madge thing who cares, if he cared so much about Madge he should have inserted a Madge clause. Im getting sick of this muppet now shut ya trap get rolled week 1 of the finals seeya on Nov 1st to claim your locker key.

Papalli doesn't want to be at wests its obvious. Why not just let it go and use the coin for player's who want to wear the jumper. This needs to be sorted tomorrow, letting it drag on is making the club look stupid as its very negative publicity
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Papalli doesn't want to be at wests its obvious. Why not just let it go and use the coin for player's who want to wear the jumper. This needs to be sorted tomorrow, letting it drag on is making the club look stupid as its very negative publicity
Because we want Isaiah not some third rate back rower that is available now. As long as the club hold the line they look strong, if they back out now they look like morons.
No person can be forced to

Papalli doesn't want to be at wests its obvious. Why not just let it go and use the coin for player's who want to wear the jumper. This needs to be sorted tomorrow, letting it drag on is making the club look stupid as its very negative publicity
At least some of the Bulldogs troll accounts are funny - the Eels ones lack flair
No person can be forced to

Papalli doesn't want to be at wests its obvious. Why not just let it go and use the coin for player's who want to wear the jumper. This needs to be sorted tomorrow, letting it drag on is making the club look stupid as its very negative publicity

Can't be forced but can be forced contractually to sit out 3 seasons.

Overwhelming amount of fans would prefer this option.
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Papalli doesn't want to be at wests its obvious. Why not just let it go and use the coin for player's who want to wear the jumper. This needs to be sorted tomorrow, letting it drag on is making the club look stupid as its very negative publicity
Methadone is a start, get off it if you can. I told you this morning, I’m here to help
No person can be forced to

Papalli doesn't want to be at wests its obvious. Why not just let it go and use the coin for player's who want to wear the jumper. This needs to be sorted tomorrow, letting it drag on is making the club look stupid as its very negative publicity
Pawwa you just lost your best, and F$#&ed the rest. 🖕
If Wests Tigers make him sit out 3 years his value will decline rapidly.
I'd be playing hardball or the circus will just continue.
There was once a man who said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" by all accounts he was a pretty smart bloke.
Gutherson was on Big Sports Breakfast this morning and they asked him about IP and if he was going to flip on his Tigers contract.

Gutherson said he would love for him to stay at Pawwa but he expected IP to honour his contract for next year with us.

Also mentioned that IP was really focused on finishing off the season as strong as he could. You can't blame IP for not wanting to talk about next season when he and his mates from Pawwa are heading towards finals in THIS season, says to me he is a stand up guy.

If he goes to the warriors then mayby a swap with Josh Curran or Tohu Harris
Don't entertain the thought. Most are sick of Wests tigers being bufoons.
If Wests Tigers make him sit out 3 years his value will decline rapidly.
I'd be playing hardball or the circus will just continue.
There was once a man who said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" by all accounts he was a pretty smart bloke.
ONly weeks ago he was saying he wanted to stay in SYDNEY with Parramatta. This guy is looking more like a clown.
The law of contracts is simple all you need is
-an offer
-an acceptance of that offer
- consideration meaning $ specified
So he's contracted and if he didn't honour it he is in breach of contract and could be sued for damages .The problem being how do you calculate damages .Could be difficult to put a figure on
Then if player doesn't put in or plays half hearted what do you do ?
It seems that only nrl have power to enforce because they can have rules that are above and separate to law .like making player sit out 1 season
They can go elsewhere after that years 2 and 3 but no pay for the year they sit out . The Nrl always talk about integrity so show they mean it !
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No person can be forced to

Papalli doesn't want to be at wests its obvious. Why not just let it go and use the coin for player's who want to wear the jumper. This needs to be sorted tomorrow, letting it drag on is making the club look stupid as its very negative publicity
Go to your bank who you have a mortgage with that you're not going to honour the contract because you can't be forced to. Let me know how you go.
What the hell was Tamou just doing was on the news saying he could understand IP not wanting to come to the Tigers. What a bloody moron mentioned the Madge thing who cares, if he cared so much about Madge he should have inserted a Madge clause. Im getting sick of this muppet now shut ya trap get rolled week 1 of the finals seeya on Nov 1st to claim your locker key.
I just saw it also, what’s it got to do with Tamou, not contracted here next year, fine him and tell him to shut his trap.
If IP tries the mental health card like Moses , tell him we‘ll get him the best help available, don’t let him renege
No person can be forced to

Papalli doesn't want to be at wests its obvious. Why not just let it go and use the coin for player's who want to wear the jumper. This needs to be sorted tomorrow, letting it drag on is making the club look stupid as its very negative publicity.
As much as i want Papalli to be at our club next season .. but your right mate .. dragging this out will only get ugly for the club and make us look silly .. cause in the long run all he and his manage have to do is call in the "mental health 2 card trick" and we'll have to let him go .. and by then its probably too late for us to find another player to come to the club with the money we would have spent on Papalli .. so wear the pain now .. instead of 5 months on down the track when its gonna be too late to get another player. (take the pain for gain ;-))
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The general opinion is that tigers must stand their ground or lose credibility
I agree tigers must stand firm " a deal is a deal "
The general opinion is that tigers must stand their ground or lose credibility
I agree tigers must stand firm " a deal is a deal "

Kent is a Fken idiot
- It's an NRL Contract!!

It's not a WT's contract.... It's the governing bodies contract...
If he bails - It their contract he's shitting on!!