Ivan Cleary - THREAD..

@ said:
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The longer Ivan says nothing the more it appears he has has downed tools on the club which will be hugely disappointing.

This is a logical fallacy:
“Lack of evidence does not equate to evidence”

Kulwith respect Im not interested in logic this is rugby league.

I started this thread on Monday Night and many people told me I was dreaming and it was 1000-1 chance

1500 replies later it looks like it has more then legs…

Eddie you kill me, that's the second golden quote for this week.

"My source is my television"
and now
"Im not interested in logic this is rugby league"

Haha, love it. Give the man an award!
I'm quite prepared to keep my power dry until all of the facts come out. Until we hear from Ivan and perhaps JP etc. again, I think it's impossible for anyone to really know where we're at right now.

I'll say one thing though. If it does transpire that Ivan wishes to leave, but he either decides to see out his contract out of respect for his current situation, or the club decides that they will force him to see out the duration of his contract, how do you think the club will fare recruitment wise? Will any player sign up with WT now, knowing that the current coach has an eye to leaving for Penrith in 2 year's time? I don't believe many would.

For that reason I think holding him to his deal if he wants to leave might not be feasible.
@ said:
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@ said:
The longer Ivan says nothing the more it appears he has has downed tools on the club which will be hugely disappointing.

This is a logical fallacy:
“Lack of evidence does not equate to evidence”

Kulwith respect Im not interested in logic this is rugby league.

I started this thread on Monday Night and many people told me I was dreaming and it was 1000-1 chance

1500 replies later it looks like it has more then legs…

Eddie you kill me, that's the second golden quote for this week.

"My source is my television"
and now
"Im not interested in logic this is rugby league"

that’s what following the tigers does to us. It sends you cockoo even when your right !
One Word - November - no team can negotiate with players under contract at other Clubs for next year until November! That's why the Nathan Cleary situation is so intriguing. Gould and O'Neill may well have been played by The Cleary's to boost his value! Nathan has the Get out Clause to play under Ivan. And Ivan Cleary's silence might be simply to avoid any hint of Insider Trading! As if! Unless Penrith put a huge offer on the Table & Sign Nathan before November he is fair game after that! And perhaps other Clubs might be a bit interested in him thus boosting his potential earn even more. Quite simply, the Cleary's don't have to do anything until November rains! Gould's excuse that he had to sack Griffin cos the Cleary O'Neill fantasy discussion would cause too much distraction is total BS. In the light of the Media frenzy created by the sacking of Griffin, Gould has delivered a self-fulfilled prophecy!
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I say Bollocks to the Clearys !

We don’t need them !

OK I'm with you now..

Hobbo said he had just finished painting Penrith Park and he said he saw you outside in your full WT's Kit (minus pants again ) waving your flag :sign:

How did you escape Prison ??

17th for the hundredth time..

Is Hoddo going to Penrith….....or is he staying on a better deal.
I heard he got a better offer, but he hasnt acknowledged it or denied it.
After seeing how everything has unfolded over the past few days and seeing the latest headlines in the papers, I can’t help but have a mental image of Gus chuckling while drafting player transfer papers for MWZ and Tim Grant.

Agree with many who say it’s far from over and stand by my own issue is that Cleary is yet to face up to everything.
@ said:
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The longer Ivan says nothing the more it appears he has has downed tools on the club which will be hugely disappointing.

This is a logical fallacy:
“Lack of evidence does not equate to evidence”

Kulwith respect Im not interested in logic this is rugby league.

I started this thread on Monday Night and many people told me I was dreaming and it was 1000-1 chance

1500 replies later it looks like it has more then legs…

Eddie you kill me, that's the second golden quote for this week.

"My source is my television"
and now
"Im not interested in logic this is rugby league"

The quote has some legs though. With both the Farah return and the proposed return of Cleary to Penrith ordinary norms of human behaviour just don't seem to hold…
@ said:
One Word - November - no team can negotiate with players under contract at other Clubs for next year until November! That's why the Nathan Cleary situation is so intriguing. Gould and O'Neill may well have been played by The Cleary's to boost his value! Nathan has the Get out Clause to play under Ivan. And Ivan Cleary's silence might be simply to avoid any hint of Insider Trading! As if! Unless Penrith put a huge offer on the Table & Sign Nathan before November he is fair game after that! And perhaps other Clubs might be a bit interested in him thus boosting his potential earn even more. Quite simply, the Cleary's don't have to do anything until November rains! Gould's excuse that he had to sack Griffin cos the Cleary O'Neill fantasy discussion would cause too much distraction is total BS. In the light of the Media frenzy created by the sacking of Griffin, Gould has delivered a self-fulfilled prophecy!

It’s been widely reported on here that Nathan does not have a Dad clause in his current contract, on the previous one yes, but this one no!
@ said:
Isn't it ironic? The previous coach, with management support, "broke" Farah's contract. Now the new coach wants to break his own contract and all hell has broken loose from our management. What goes round comes round.

You don't know what you are talking about.

Show us where Ivan has requested to be released from his contract.

All's quiet on the western front. Wonder if we won't hear about this again until after the season ends?
@ said:
All's quiet on the western front. Wonder if we won't hear about this again until after the season ends?

probably go quiet from now and transfer to the panthers in the off-season
Hope not!
According to Dean Ritchie, now the Panthers are saying that they want to sign Ivan from 2021, now, so that will make Nathan sign there long term. Leaving Cameron Ciraldo as a caretaker coach for 2 years.

I only hope the players are as up in arms over this as the fans are. It's utterly pathetic from Panthers, and this dog act will linger for decades.
@ said:
@ said:
The longer Ivan says nothing the more it appears he has has downed tools on the club which will be hugely disappointing.

This is a logical fallacy:
“Lack of evidence does not equate to evidence”

The situation is severely damaging to the WT and has been for days. Do you really think that the club would not have had Cleary in front of the media to state that he is staying if he was?
@ said:
Well Yoss and jirskyr it is possible to build a smokeless fire if you use very dry kindling and very dry hard wood. If you build your fire carefully and don't add too much fuel too quickly it can be done.
It is also possible to have a lot of smoke but no fire. In an enclosed space, with very little ingress of fresh air, a fire can be extinguished by a lack of oxygen leaving just the smoke behind.
Just for future information.

I said on another thread - also sometimes it's not smoke, it's fog, or mist, or dust, or dry ice.

"It is what it is" and "where there's smoke" are two of the dumbest cliches rolled out by players and fans alike when talking about rugby league.
Like a puppet on a string - Ivan is the puppet and Nathan is pulling the strings..
Nathan is still wet behind the ears so Ivan wants to jump on his school bus … forget these pair of floggers with their weird over-the-top relationship.
Ivan was the puppeteer here because he strung us along, now Nathan is pulling his strings.
@ said:
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@ said:
The longer Ivan says nothing the more it appears he has has downed tools on the club which will be hugely disappointing.

This is a logical fallacy:
“Lack of evidence does not equate to evidence”

The situation is severely damaging to the WT and has been for days. Do you really think that the club would not have had Cleary in front of the media to state that he is staying if he was?

Well to be fair, No, I don't believe the club would trot their coach out to become media fodder in the midst of the frenzy. It's their job to wear the impact of the media and shield staff that have done no wrong.
Go on, keep sharpening your pitchfork.