Luke Brooks #167

Or fat chequed.

Api is worth every cent mate. He is playing great. I can't believe the knobs having a go at him. It's like having a go at Brooksy when he is creating all our points.

Is it hack our best player day or something.
Fact. Tigers let the wrong half go to Newcastle
Bateman didn't sign until after Hastings had left, who knows rift or not or just coincidental but we may not have got Bateman is Hastings was still here.
At present newcaslte are 3 wins and 1 draw in front of tigers with 3/4 of a season to go
38 points the last 2 games. Happy to be fact checked on this one.

I don't think Api is the issue at all but if we can't logically define the issue what do we do. We can definitely score points.
The issue is the halves, 38 points in two weeks means nothing, the time we had with the ball in the opposition 20 in both games we should have put 60 points on, total lack of game management is what's killing us, has done for 10 years.
he won't be dropped who will take his place Laurie ... lol
it is just ironic that it was some of the AD Acolytes that were cheering on injuries to Brooks.
I'm not an AD fan as a 6 but would never wish injury on him.

Klemmer in his junior days was a game managing halfback.
Bateman didn't sign until after Hastings had left, who knows rift or not or just coincidental but we may not have got Bateman is Hastings was still here.
At present newcaslte are 3 wins and 1 draw in front of tigers with 3/4 of a season to go
This is fast becoming an urban myth...

I have mates 'very' close to English RL (Leeds, GB and Wigan) and all have said they never heard a thing about any clash AND that Bateman is not the type of bloke to say "won't play with him"...

Think about it...if you really believe it, that means Bateman is essentially a sook who said "won't sign until he goes"...which is simply not true.

They likely clashed at Wigan training at times...and so do most fierce contestants who want to win. bad would it have been if we had of had two alpha males who wanted to win desperately each week and butted heads occasionally? That is called a successful club.

Absolute myth Bateman sooked and said "him or me".
This is fast becoming an urban myth...

I have mates 'very' close to English RL (Leeds, GB and Wigan) and all have said they never heard a thing about any clash AND that Bateman is not the type of bloke to say "won't play with him"...

Think about it...if you really believe it, that means Bateman is essentially a sook who said "won't sign until he goes"...which is simply not true.

They likely clashed at Wigan training at times...and so do most fierce contestants who want to win. bad would it have been if we had of had two alpha males who wanted to win desperately each week and butted heads occasionally? That is called a successful club.

Absolute myth Bateman sooked and said "him or me".
coincidence then...
Hastings has had a hell of a lot of clubs and had blows ups with a number of players
Not debating the change, or even the possibility of such on opinions, simply commenting on the few that feel a need to attack him or any other repeatedly.

Anyone can be excused for the occasional hot headedness or such, but not those that continually attack others. It would not be tolerated on here a year or so back, and should not be now either.
Or a year from now!
coincidence then...
Hastings has had a hell of a lot of clubs and had blows ups with a number of players
True though that could be his personality type, hyper competitive and wants to win at all costs, I could see that rubbing guys the wrong way at training. Knowing what he wants to do and over calling guys would cause issues.
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Brooks plays with heart. Never tanked. Team player. Made of heart. He is just not a 7. Why can't Sheens consider lock. Maybe not half back material. Just if a team is picked on heart - all that they put in - then Brooks is in the first few picked. Aside that. We need a general. 2 In fact. One in the office and one on the field.
Reserve grade standard at best.

'Never tanked' very highly debatable.
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how far can he bring the guys with him. There's only so much one player can improve a squad.
Unless he’s a half yeah, then he should be able to turn reserve graders into first graders year in year out…
coincidence then...
Hastings has had a hell of a lot of clubs and had blows ups with a number of players
Another myth...

"A hell of a lot"...he was a kid at the Roosters and acknowledged he was cocky as a TEENAGER. He went to Manly and fell out with DCE.

Went to Salford and slayed still revered, carried them to a love him. Won player of the year.

Then transferred to Wigan, who are a much bigger club. That is how the UK comp works...he moved to a bigger team. Made another GF.

No issues...only success since the DCE incident.

Two GFs and a player of the year award. Fans loved him at each club.

Then joined us and would have happily stayed his career.

Complete myth he is somehow an issue.

The simple facts are that Sheens believed in Brooks enough to tell Jacko he would not be kept long term and would be a 13...and that he could go if someone offered him long term and 7.

Sheens bet the house on Brooks. That is simply fact.

None of that should reflect on Hastings. house...on Brooks.

That is the bottom line. So far, that bet has been a colossal disaster. Maybe in 2024 we land a better half than both of them and get ahead. But, as of now, it has been a colossal disaster.
Stay on topic or leave this thread.
Luke Brooks sucks dead dingoes dongers.

Classy. Each to their own and trust that you both enjoy the experience.

Sorry to many, many decent folk on the forum for taking the many steps down to their level with the above, just so disappointing to see even the once cultured join in with them.
Classy. Each to their own and trust that you both enjoy the experience.

Sorry to many, many decent folk on the forum for taking the many steps down to their level with the above, just so disappointing to see even the once cultured join in with them.

Ah oh, looks like someone is having their usual tanty. Might be time to reevaluate oneself when it starts to define ones entire identity.
Classy. Each to their own and trust that you both enjoy the experience.

Sorry to many, many decent folk on the forum for taking the many steps down to their level with the above, just so disappointing to see even the once cultured join in with them.
Mate I have had the guts and personal pride in organising get togethers at Wests leagues as YOU know...I openly faced who ever wanted to converse with me on any topic while I kept a good human being relationship with those that wanted to debate or speculate on our team and club,never once did I bellitle or condemn anyone for their opinion...on those few occasions I met great people and treated them with the respect they deserved...I note that you and Earl went running to the mods to shut down the politics thread because it didnt suit your narrative or opinion on many subjects,you speak with a grammer that appears to be much better educated than others,but it always ends up with you getting the shits because others have a far different opinion than yours so you go and run to the mods for relief rather than being able to converse and respect others opinion.
I dont know Earl and dont really care if I ran into him or not,he has his opinion and many of us have ours on Brooks,if you feel the need to console Earl because he leaves himself open to criticism then great for you, but dont cry because others want to converse in a topic that has been a thorn in our side for quite a number of years...
Changing your avatar or name doesnt make it better,I have been on here since 2014,never have I changed my name or cried to the mods because someone else had a different opinion on a subject that I have...
you speak with a grammer that appears to be much better educated than others,but it always ends up with you getting the shits because others have a far different opinion than yours so you go and run to the mods for relief rather than being able to converse and respect others opinion.
I've always found his posts to be quite the opposite, ramblings of the unhinged and under medicated seems more apt.
Api is worth every cent mate. He is playing great. I can't believe the knobs having a go at him. It's like having a go at Brooksy when he is creating all our points.

Is it hack our best player day or something.

Apologies. Tongue in cheek. Satire at best. And yes - Api is good - just hope he will stay (h)Api. Just the fact checked terminology to myself seems more like fat chequed. History is written by the winners of the battle. Not the ones that perished.