Olsen Filipaina

First I heard about it was here just now.

Can;t believe it and what a sad week it has been.

Olsen was the total footballer, tough as teak, hit hard in defence, silky skills and his bump, could play any ball game, he just had those natural skills. RIP
Many great memories of Olsen especially at Leichhardt Oval on a sunday arvo.
R.I.P a true warrior and a great ambassador for our game
Only started following RL a few years after Olsen's heydey so never saw him play, only the odd highlight clip here and there. But you hear legends of the game speak glowingly of his playing ability so he must of been quite a sight to see in full flight.
RIP Olsen
A lot more cold than hot, but smokin when on his game. First top grader that knew who I was, so he meant a lot to me as a youngster, even if most of our relationship was from him picking up our garbage bin.
Terrible news. He was a pioneer for Polynesian players and such a talented player especially when in a Kiwi jersey. He seemed like a complete gentleman as well.
Great memories Lauren, he always looked 3 training sessions short of peak fitness but he was tough and talented.
Did you notice the support play of the Tigers, something our current team could try and emulate each week.