Richards a liability

Yep was pretty good last night, if we had of had that more weeks then not no one would be bagging him.

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There's no coincidence that when Pat returned he was playing better, his head was in a much better place! He had huge confidence in his own ability but the truth is that the NRL sorted him out a bit, the defence is much tougher and the game is much faster.

It's showed him up and he knows it. And that has flowed on to his kicking, I see an uncertainty in his eyes now whereas before it was a confident focus on the kick.

It's a confidence thing. Hopefully he can lift after last night and finish the season on a high.
I love this thread. Pat Richards is the current #3 NRL point scorer in a team that sits 14th on the ladder.
NT - I'm a massive fan of Pat and support his selection in the team. But he is off pace for a winger, and it is clear he is down on confidence - which is a bad place for a kicker to be!

Like I said, let's hope he has a good finish to the year.
Had a good game last night, Would never bag him, Have loved him as a Player. We probably missed out on his best years.
@NT Tiger said:
I love this thread. Pat Richards is the current #3 NRL point scorer in a team that sits 14th on the ladder.

He must be the worst winger in the comp. He has been terrible for us over the course of the season.

Yes he can put in some great games with the boot but that isn't enough reason to have him in the team.

A great player for us in 05 and I will always remember that fend. He seems like a good guy as well. Those aren't reasons though to keep him beyond this year and he was a very poor signing.
So we should not aim to have leading point scorers in our side? Hmm, Ok righto then!
@NT Tiger said:
So we should not aim to have leading point scorers in our side? Hmm, Ok righto then!

No - we should be aiming to win the comp. If we get the leading point scorer then that is great but its not something to aim for. You want to win more games than you lose.
In my book, the odds of winning a game improve with the more points you score.
@NT Tiger said:
In my book, the odds of winning a game improve with the more points you score.

Of course but Richards has cost us plenty of points. When he gets half a chance he can't finish it. He is also real slow out wide and if there is a slow centre partnering him we get smashed.
I'd never have a player in my team purely because he can kick. Give me speed or size on the edges and we will score plenty of points if we win the battle in the middle.

Nofo & Simona should be our Wingers!

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Well we'll get to see how well we go without his kicking ability next season.
Number of tries scored by wingers as of round 20.
17, Curtis Rona, Semi Radradra
13, Alex Johnson, Lachlan Maranta
12, Anthony Don, Marika Koroibete, Valentine Holmes
11, Akulla Uate, Pat Richards

So Pat Richards had scored 1 less try as of round 20, now 2 less tries in the season than Marika Koroibete. Not too shabby for an old man. Add to that 93 points from his kicking game.
@NT Tiger said:
Well we'll get to see how well we go without his kicking ability next season.

i know, we might finish equal last. how embarrassing would that be?!?

funny how youve been absent from this thread for the last few months, wonder why that is…
@NT Tiger said:
So we should not aim to have leading point scorers in our side? Hmm, Ok righto then!

joel caine was the leading point scorer in 2000\. he's pretty much an immortal so great logic.
@NT Tiger said:
Number of tries scored by wingers as of round 20.
17, Curtis Rona, Semi Radradra
13, Alex Johnson, Lachlan Maranta
12, Anthony Don, Marika Koroibete, Valentine Holmes
11, Akulla Uate, Pat Richards

So Pat Richards had scored 1 less try as of round 20, now 2 less tries in the season than Marika Koroibete. Not too shabby for an old man. Add to that 93 points from his kicking game.

How many more tries should Richards have scored though?

I can think of at the very least 5 opportunities a winger who is fast and can get low would have finished.

Pro's and con's though - he's made the right decision moving on and I suppose we need his experience while we have him.
@fergiefurr said:
@NT Tiger said:
Well we'll get to see how well we go without his kicking ability next season.

i know, we might finish equal last. how embarrassing would that be?!?

funny how youve been absent from this thread for the last few months, wonder why that is…

Nothing funny, travelling overseas much of it.
@Moh said:
@NT Tiger said:
Number of tries scored by wingers as of round 20.
17, Curtis Rona, Semi Radradra
13, Alex Johnson, Lachlan Maranta
12, Anthony Don, Marika Koroibete, Valentine Holmes
11, Akulla Uate, Pat Richards

So Pat Richards had scored 1 less try as of round 20, now 2 less tries in the season than Marika Koroibete. Not too shabby for an old man. Add to that 93 points from his kicking game.

How many more tries should Richards have scored though?

I can think of at the very least 5 opportunities a winger who is fast and can get low would have finished.

Pro's and con's though - he's made the right decision moving on and I suppose we need his experience while we have him.

Coulda, shoulda, woulda!!