Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion


Two different coaches tho sheens will be more skill, attacking minded coaxh and madge had a basic attacking structure
Don’t really think Madge actually knew what an attacking structure was, apart from 5 hit up’s and a kick, the same with Noddy, hope Sheens and co can do better than that.
Spot on mate. I don't understand the tendency in some posters to want to discredit POM.
Im still relatively new on here so can I ask the question who Pom is ? Is he on the inside or just knows the right people.
Seems to come up with very precise information so sounds like he’s close to the action.
I sent him some questions earlier and eagerly waiting for his reply.
Cant see his name online at present but look forward to picking his brain.
When there is not a forward in the pack that can crack the advantage line attacking structures are going to be few and far between - unless you get a penalty that marches you down field or you have quality backs who can create something from nothing. Our deficiencies are largely to do with the squads inability to execute effectively in all areas.
Im still relatively new on here so can I ask the question who Pom is ? Is he on the inside or just knows the right people.
Seems to come up with very precise information so sounds like he’s close to the action.
I sent him some questions earlier and eagerly waiting for his reply.
Cant see his name online at present but look forward to picking his brain.
When Pom “signing rumours” WTF post alert kicks in on the iPad …. The heart rate moves up.
Right decision to let Liddle go. Unfortunate career thus far with injuries, but far too many fundamental errors in his game. Don't think he ever amounts to more than a fringe first grader so long as his service remains this poor.
When Madge lost it in the sheds he yelled enough to break windows.
If sheens yelled they would have to get the defibrillator out 🤣
I like Sheens, he would simply have to look the player in the eyes as if to say...come on fella, you can do better than that. The player would respond IMO.
We shall see I guess.
Obviously CC that didn’t work for Madge, I think if you look at the top clubs you’ll see a common thread, establish a performance platform as a guide, and manage it yourself and through the senior players.
The Robinson, Clearys and Bennetts of the world manage players individually coz a blazing half or full time speech shouldn’t really be necessary.
I’ve heard retired players say it really doesn’t do the job whereas a one on one chat to each player about plans, executions can sometimes have a much deeper effect.
And , of course. Look them in the eye so they get the message.
Jacob Liddle will be released to the Dragons in the next week. Paperwork with the NRL. Club not paying a cent for him in 2023.
Good work from WT
I'm not too overly surprised by the news.
Very Tough kid, always put his body on the line.
I wish him all the best at saints. Hope he succeeds there.

There was one game last year against the Dragons where Lids put on a huge shot tackling Tariq Sims, got mildly concussed and in a fugue state managed to strip the ball off him. Not too relevant but this is probably my favourite memory of him at the club, and yes we did knock the ball on the very next play.
But do we know if Pom is not a nom du plume for Lee or Pascoe to feed us inside information ?

I'm pretty sure he is a club stooge but in a good way. It'd be funny if he was Pascoe.

Sometimes his information is released at the same time as it's released elsewhere. I think it's sanctioned from the club.
We play Hastings at 7 to start off with and chase Munster or Dylan Brown to partner.
Mmmm…..that certainly goes in the face of all the hoopla about keeping Brooks, I don’t disagree with you, but imho I don’t think LB will be playing anywhere but 7.
Thinking Jacko will start at 13 but I’ve been wrong before. All part of the mystery !
Question Stevec, well what is our root problem with recruiting difficulties, u make it sound more than what it is .
Our cap has been totally buggered for 5 years - Mbye, Reynolds, Brooks, Packer, BJ Leilua, Matulino, Doueihi, Luciano, Noffa - all on way overs and/or had long term injuries.