Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

What convinced Brooks to stay(and Sheens to support him)in 2023 was a heavily back ended contract worth around a $1mill this year...he will never earn anything like that again in his life
Reckn I cld be miserabe for that!!
Really up to him now to stand and deliver...but no more loyalty BS from either party.Lets retain/release at year end based soley on his performance and contribution and nothing else
This has to be his year, there are no more excuses for him, he has the pack now, I agree he needs to perform or should go. But I have a funny feeling he will sign a new deal early on in the new year, without having to perform for it, if Benji wants him then I can see them offering him a new deal soon. I would prefer he earnt it though, or go.
I think that’s a fair call re his ceiling. But he’s got a way to get there, to that “average-tier”. Hope he does.
Realistically, other than two of the new recruits, I don’t think we have anyone even close at this stage to top 4 in their respective position. But keep recruiting like this and we soon will.
If Moses is actually coming- I get the feeling Doueihi will be asked to resume his fullback duties. Both Staines & Laurie are on 1 year deals. That FB spot is up for grabs next season, and Doueihi can play that role easily.
Not if you want to play finals. He isn't a fullback. At the moment a centre or if builds up a ball playing lock.
Not if you want to play finals. He isn't a fullback. At the moment a centre or if builds up a ball playing lock.
Playing behind a decent pack, new coaches can't help him to develop into a decent 5/8th ?
AD right now is a myth.

Hasn’t performed as a 5/8 or FB or center… consistently … at a level that warrants him to be considered as anything more than a first grade player with potential.

Right now he’s no where near as good as Jack Wighton as a running 5/8.

He doesn’t have a crisp, consistent passing game… which is why he’s considered a running 5/8.

Yes, some long looping passes have resulted in tries, but a lot have gone out of bounds, behind players or forward.

His defense at 5/8 was terrible and if things don’t go his way he goes missing in games.

He was too slow and out of position as a FB, and was suspect under the high ball.

The only spot he would get in a top 8 team is either 14, or as a “top up” center on approx $450k.

Anything more than that is paying for potential which in all his games he’s shown maybe 25% of the game time he’s played overall… and that’s generous.

Everyone frothing on him on this forum are basing it on a low base bc at times he’s been made to look like a superstar in our wooden spoon team.

And he has a massive ego.

Personally I never thought we should’ve signed him… it was a typical tigers signing… sign someone for 4 years (when the next best contract was from the roosters for 2 years), pay them overs, and buy them for a a position that they haven’t had experience or excelled in…. He’s a taller, faster, stronger but less consistent Moses Mbye 2.0

Anyone saying different is basing it on potential and hope not what he’s done in games.
I could leave him as a center on $450-$500k, otherwise I hope he goes so we can find a proper 5/8 so we can stop “hoping” and discussing his “potential”.