Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

Jarome Luai update!

Penrith had belief that Luai would accept the increased 3 year deal - as I posted on here earlier as Luai had notified the club that 2 years wouldn’t be enough.

Luai’s management throughout all discussions with every club has prioritised security informing all interested clubs he would want a long term deal to prise him away from Penrith.

We had offered a 4 year $4.8 million deal, Luai’s management had then approached the club requesting a 5th year and assurance that this would seemingly be enough to get a deal done after Penrith increased there offer by another year. Which prompted the club to then withdraw our offer for AFB and go all in for Luai.

Bulldogs were made aware that Luai was likely going to accept a 5 year deal from the club, and had contacted Luai setting up a potential 5 year deal of their own however on anywhere from 500-750k less overall. Luai is still mulling over this but seems extremely unlikely however still an option. One thing is for certain though, and that’s Luai won’t be at Penrith in 2025.

However, the expectation is that Luai will be announced as a Wests Tigers player within the next week, unless something drastic occurs as they’re finalising some minor details. Whenever Jarome officially signs, Penrith will waive the 10 day cooling off period and it will become official.

I also posted on here a couple of days ago even as headlines were claiming that Luai may be released early - that it will would NOT happen.

Word around town though is that it’s starting to get ugly between both Penrith’s higher ups and Luai.

Apparently Luai’s management had quietly told Penrith officials he had intentions to reject their deal at the start of a training session on Saturday with the expectation he had verbally agreed to sign with the Tigers but nothing was official yet, he was just informing them he will not be accepting their offer. Luai had then found out that Penrith leaked the news out to the media pretty much instantly before he had even finished training that he was coming to us, before anything was signed especially with the Bulldogs making a late push and it has caused some frustrations as Luai has already felt disrespected by not only Cleary’s comments about leaving to play 7 elsewhere as a risk, but also something that gets covered up is that Penrith had prioritised getting deals done for both Yeo and Edwards over Luai. Only offering him whatever they had left in the cap after those 2 deals were done.

The belief is Benji’s recruitment of Luai really resonated with Jarome, as Benji had recognised his strong leadership off the field and the family culture he brought to that Penrith side and how Benji is trying to translate that to this current squad. Promoting the idea of being our leader and 7 whilst also assisting to groom the highly regarded next generation coming through the ranks at the club. I don’t know much more as everything between Benji/Luai is kept pretty close to the chest, but I do hear Benji is dong a great job thus far.

One of my Penrith friends who works in membership at the club, had stated to me that Jarome is hands down the nicest person in the team and makes a really strong effort to make everyone feel together from all departments, setting the standards which everyone follows. First to put his hand up to help off-field, first to come in to training, first to greet everyone etc.

It’s looking like he’ll be a Wests Tigers player come 2025 - but this is Rugby League and until that ink is fresh on the paper it’s anyone’s game. In saying that, as Wests Tigers fans we should feel very good about our chances.

Not mail: but would be worried about a late Dragons bid with Amone being deregistered, missing out on AFB/Dearden as well. They need a big fish even more than us. However, also very unlikely.
A great insight and appreciate the information. Chammas is a Penrith local so it is no wonder he is across most of these guys movements.

I am forever hopeful of some positive news for the Tigers, the new leadership at least gives a brighter outlook of positive steps in the right direction.

I know a few of the Panther boys also and as everyone knows are tight. Luai has recently bought a new South Penrith house and so wherever he is to end up wouldn’t leave the area, as I am told it is important he stays close to Bizza and also Chrighton that has just relocated to Mt Druitt.
A great insight and appreciate the information. Chammas is a Penrith local so it is no wonder he is across most of these guys movements.

I am forever hopeful of some positive news for the Tigers, the new leadership at least gives a brighter outlook of positive steps in the right direction.

I know a few of the Panther boys also and as everyone knows are tight. Luai has recently bought a new South Penrith house and so wherever he is to end up wouldn’t leave the area, as I am told it is important he stays close to Bizza and also Chrighton that has just relocated to Mt Druitt.
Bizza is in Mt Druitt somewhere and I heard Critta has recently moved to Belfield. Luai is in South Penrith. Cleary lives with his Dad at Emu Plains
A great insight and appreciate the information. Chammas is a Penrith local so it is no wonder he is across most of these guys movements.

I am forever hopeful of some positive news for the Tigers, the new leadership at least gives a brighter outlook of positive steps in the right direction.

I know a few of the Panther boys also and as everyone knows are tight. Luai has recently bought a new South Penrith house and so wherever he is to end up wouldn’t leave the area, as I am told it is important he stays close to Bizza and also Chrighton that has just relocated to Mt Druitt.
So you're telling me Crichton signed an $800k a year contract and bought a house in Mt. Druitt?

Pickle me grandmother!
Doesn’t it say Critta moved to Belfield ? Isn’t Critta Chricton, and who is Bizza who lives in Mt Druitt.
Or have I got this arse up as usual ?
Making a million a year and living in Mt Druitt? To each his own I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️
You do know there’s now a beach in Penrith ?
Doesn’t it say Critta moved to Belfield ? Isn’t Critta Chricton, and who is Bizza who lives in Mt Druitt.
Or have I got this arse up as usual ?
One poster has the Bizzo in Mt Druitt but Tiger T has Crichton Critta living out some sort of real estate Stockholm syndrome trapped in Mt Druitt.
The leaks are coming from Penrith, they are playing games with us, with everyone. That's why Luai is dirty. It's very possible that it was the Dogs all along that he was going to and Penrith are driving a smear campaign that they are happy to drag us into.

Before anyone says I'm crazy, I have no doubt they hate us enough to do it. Ivan is one of the lowest humans in the game and will never forget how us fans treated him when he left. He is completely unaware of what he did to us and no amount of success will ever help him let his hate for us go. He is a sick human and Luai has just realised it.

I have no faith in us getting Luai until it's officially announced by the club.

Yes ruthless .

But regarding the negotiations with Luai indications are both parties have shown a clear intention to proceed and are merely held up by the new 10 day rule, and perhaps further haggling on whether he comes next year.

The club hasn't shagged a signature once both parties agreed to terms so past references to missed signings are a different case.
Making a million a year and living in Mt Druitt? To each his own I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️
It’s probably something to do with belonging to a community with shared values, familiarity, trust, identity, being part of something bigger than the individual. Traditionally, that’s the stuff that creates great teams and inspires players to push themselves to the limits. Those Penrith boys would find that hard to let go of. Trying to reestablish that elsewhere is tough. I almost feel sorry for Kicks, Burton, JAC and Mahoney, great players at their previous clubs but seem to be lacking that bond at the dogs. Wests Tigers almost have a clean slate, we’ve got rid of some the toxic environment around the team and I get the feeling Marshall, API and others at the club are building something special!
It’s probably something to do with belonging to a community with shared values, familiarity, trust, identity, being part of something bigger than the individual. Traditionally, that’s the stuff that creates great teams and inspires players to push themselves to the limits. Those Penrith boys would find that hard to let go of. Trying to reestablish that elsewhere is tough. I almost feel sorry for Kicks, Burton, JAC and Mahoney, great players at their previous clubs but seem to be lacking that bond at the dogs. Wests Tigers almost have a clean slate, we’ve got rid of some the toxic environment around the team and I get the feeling Marshall, API and others at the club are building something special!

I hear you, but when you get money you
should move you & your fam outta the hood.
Mt Druitt is a drug infested, crime riddled
shit hole. 5km's further in would be fine lol