Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

Hasn't that always been the club's undoing? Busy trying to look good instead of doing a good job? Regardless of the occasion, celebrating USA on ANZAC Day or bragging about Benji winning a Grand Final with St George, we just have to accept they're doing their best.
…becoming the new Manchester United….
You can already feel the changes. Media not giving us a daily pizzling and no hero on the radio every week telling us we’re on the right path.
Those who feel the need to tell you how awesome they are is usually a red flag and a sign they are overcompensating.
Those who feel the need to tell you how awesome they are is usually a red flag and a sign they are overcompensating.
He was a duck out of water in rugby league. Hopefully he sticks to sponsorship from now on.
He was a duck out of water in rugby league. Hopefully he sticks to sponsorship from now on.
His passion was top shelf but he needed either an edit or mute button when speaking publically about the club.
How many times did he say something and you thought to yourself “geez that wasn’t good” lol…
He belongs more on here…
Looking at the dumpster fire that the Luai thread is turning into begs the question, how has this thread gone nearly 8 years without being locked? Deadset miracle,
I’ve been on and off this forum since 2005….back then it was very well moderated with very little garbage posts allowed…nor did people care to post rubbish…..there were some really good moderators running this forum back then, sadly most , if not all have checked out for one reason or another…
I’ve been on and off this forum since 2005….back then it was very well moderated with very little garbage posts allowed…nor did people care to post rubbish…..there were some really good moderators running this forum back then, sadly most , if not all have checked out for one reason or another…
I guess this counts as a form of social media. Social media has made society dumber.