Wests Tigers Coaches

??? That’s horse shit ! The only reason someone wants to do extras is to impress someone else to get a promotion/ pay rise . Or they own the company .
This is my whole point ! You just proved exactly what I’m saying congratulations !
Just on your point though , if there is extra work for a coach to do , then her hasn’t finished his goals and as such then the point I was making about efficiency won’t apply until said goals are achieved .. also if there’s expectations within a role that you have to X that may be considered extras , then that’s not actually extras because they’re apart of role . Just to quantify my argument a little
What I was talking about specifically was the Ritchie comparison around coaches being there for 16 hours a day as if that’s somehow more efficient and effective than someone being there 8-12 hrs if the same volume of work is being effected both periods
So I proved your point with but it’s horse shit at the same time? 🤣

Jesting aside, IMO it’s unlikely Benji can achieve what other NRL coaches have without doing the 16hr days. The mega successful in life or business are efficient over the 16 hrs. The goal is to win the big one. Aim for the stars benji.
What I was talking about specifically was the Ritchie comparison around coaches being there for 16 hours a day as if that’s somehow more efficient and effective than someone being there 8-12 hrs if the same volume of work is being effected both periods
totally agreed.

Like if everyone wants to analyze and unpack this;..

Which days and amount of hours are we talking about and measuring here? Match Days, Training Days, Pre-Seasons, on a Bus to Canberra, On a flight to Townsville?? Can you even 'finish' work if you have flown to NZ for 3 days to lose 32 -10?? Media commitments? Do other coaches just get 4 hours of sleep a night regardless of what day it is 365 days a year 7 days a week?? Brian Smith did all that and still never won a grand final?? Poor bastard...

What objectively does a head coach need to be in a training for ground for at 6:00am? Does he have to turn the sprinklers on? What can you actually do as a head coach at 6:00am if everyone else is still asleep in bed. Give me a break.
What’s the deal here? 🤔
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After the pandemic we all realised that work life balance is more important than ever. In saying that, coming in 3 hours late (if true) is a worry.

But I'm not concerned, because if Benji flops then we have John Morris who can jump in and probably should have been named our head coach in the first place.

This will be a very interesting year.
how does a player know why Benji turned up 3 hrs late to training ?
I can list 10 things straight off the top of my head, football related that would more than justify this :
Meeting with board
Meeting with ceo
Meeting with player manager
Meeting with player
Meeting with experienced ex coach
Watching video
Meeting with retention and recruitment
Meeting with medical staff
Zoom calls with nrl about things like expectations , refereeing etc.

Zoom/teams meetings at my work start at 7am some days . Right when you want to be on your way to work / starting .
There is so much to nrl coaching that has sweet F A to do with actual coaching . This talk is Boomer talk times 1000 .
Every single 50 plus dude in my industry is sitting around doing nothing after certain hours of the day , wasting time when they shouldn’t because there’s no incentive to work hard .
There’s no way on earth that if your at work at 9pm after getting there at 5am that your even 50% attentive to what your doing . There’s a reason legally you’re supposed to go home after 12 hrs or fill out a fatigue assessment . Because you’re doing nothing productive afterwards .
Seriously if people were given 10 hrs of tasks and told the sooner they did it the sooner they go home , but they would be paid for the 10 hrs of work . Everyone would work thier tail off , and most would figure out how to maximise efficiency for themselves .
But because we live in this backwards logic of “I’m PaYiNg YOu To Be HeRe so YoU NeEd to Be HeRe” . If there’s an incentive to flog yourself ie. go home , everyone would . But no one is flogging themselves for no reason .
If Benji can maximise his productivity within a shorter period of time , then anybody debating that is seriously stuck in the past …
Who starts at 5am and finishes at 9pm?
Seriously if people were given 10 hrs of tasks and told the sooner they did it the sooner they go home , but they would be paid for the 10 hrs of work . Everyone would work thier tail off , and most would figure out how to maximise efficiency for themselves .
I purposefully don’t let any of my staff work over 10hr days.
Productivity nose dives after this amount of time and unplanned days off sky rocket.
I spent years as a PM with Lendlease. Working massive hours was expected. You almost had to as you were attending 3 to 4 meetings each day - all with personal action items attached that just piled up.
A great manager I had looked into this, identified the bottleneck (meetings) and devised a way to lessen their impact. We all found work much more manageable afterwards.
No one

Mining, law enforcement, etc.
Mostly do 12 hour shifts, Max.

Sometimes people may do a double shift if no other option, 16 hour.
I’ve worked two jobs, in the day getting my own building company off the ground during a poorer economic environment and a night shift in a factory to make sure of some consistent cash was coming in. Nearly died in two car accidents falling asleep at the wheel during the middle of the day and nearly lost my first wife over it. It’s nearly impossible working 6 days at 16 hours a day, it’s dangerous.
Thankfully the first wife left in the end anyway. 😁
All we are relying on is some reporting of some supposed event, none of us know what the reality is . All reporting has a bias and an agenda and we don't know what that is and we have no way of determining it - the reporter won't tell you. If it feeds into our biases we'll agree with it - if not, then we'll take no notice.

If the club believes he's doing the job he is paid for then they'll be happy to continue - if not he'll go, the same as any job.

He won't care about our judgement ( like we matter ) or that of reporters (they have their agenda) - he'll be concerned with how his employer feels about is performance.

He's the coach and he'll leave - the only question is timing.
I’ve always gotten the vibe that he never considered being a coach till the day Sheens asked him. Just doesn’t come across as the type of personality who spent years playing with a burning desire to be a coach one day. Idk if a word of the screen shot I posted is true, but i could totally see him walking around training with a “she’ll be right” attitude. I really hope that isn’t the thought process in throwing Galvin in so early.
I really dont care what gets said about Benji and his time spent at the club as coach...
Results are what counts and if he develops the young players and they are improving their games and the team is winning or at least being very competative then that is what matters most...
Benji put his head on the chopping block by accepting the coaches role,how he does his work or how long he spends doing that work is on him,as I said RESULTS matter,he will be judged on those....
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I see both sides to the argument. there's a lot of things a Head Coach must be across, but there's not one single way of doing things.

Marshall isn't a control freak. he's not Maguire, who wanted to be the entire footballing department, or Hasler, or Bellamy. if he can delegate things to his assistants then that's really not a bad thing providing that the work is being done to constantly improve.

there's plenty of footage out there of Ivan delegating plenty to Ciraldo, Wallace, Webster and his other assistants when it comes to running thru video and weekly briefings. Bennett, Marshall's biggest influence, does it almost exclusively, where he gives his understudies plenty of influence on playing style.

we're going to know in 8 weeks if his approach has worked. whether the players have bought in, if the structures are to a high standard, if there's improvement amongst the players and our youngsters are developing. that is key.

I don't think there's any issue with work-life balance, if anything Marshall should be applauded for it. family is far more important than footy.
I’ve worked two jobs, in the day getting my own building company off the ground during a poorer economic environment and a night shift in a factory to make sure of some consistent cash was coming in. Nearly died in two car accidents falling asleep at the wheel during the middle of the day and nearly lost my first wife over it. It’s nearly impossible working 6 days at 16 hours a day, it’s dangerous.
Thankfully the first wife left in the end anyway. 😁
True !

I know people who work full hectic hours like that but like you, it's across 2 or 3 jobs / companies.

Not good for you at all.
  • Wow
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True !

I know people who work full hectic hours like that but like you, it's across 2 or 3 jobs / companies.

Not good for you at all.
There’s always the talk of you do what you love then it’s not work? But I’ve never been able to get paid for snowboarding or partying, etc.
I don’t hate my job, but I can’t say I love it enough to work 16hrs a day at it and not come away jaded.
Even playing poker or snowboarding after 16hrs I’d be stuffed.
There’s always the talk of you do what you love then it’s not work? But I’ve never been able to get paid for snowboarding or partying, etc.
I don’t hate my job, but I can’t say I love it enough to work 16hrs a day at it and not come away jaded.
Even playing poker or snowboarding after 16hrs I’d be stuffed.
Just remember the 3 gets,
1. Get in
2. Get it done
3. Get out
It’s what you do with the time available that’s most critical, and having a work/life balance is essential to maximum productivity imo.
If you've ever been in management you would've had people work for you who take 5 hours to do a job you know you can do in 2 hours.
People who flap around trying to make everyone think they're working hard do my head in.
Anyone working 16 hour days isn't producing quality . I want a coach who's mentally sharp, not one who's so mentally jaded from copious wasted hours .
Results will dictate whether Benji is a good coach. I have to agree with the Mr Intensity Madge methodology didnt get the best out the players. Foxsports and NRL 360 sticking the boot in even before we have played a game. We have made ourselves easy targets.