Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

It would be nice sometimes to get a bit of context where some of these rumours have come from…

Not suggesting any names of course,,, but lets be real… limited people are going to know real signings news before it is mentioned in the media…

Did the rumour get heard from some numpty at work or someone talking it up at the local pub… or did we read it on Facebook? … or perhaps you heard it via someone connected/related to the player or club?

I'd just go with track record....where did you hear first for Sheens, Klemmer, Fainu? Just remember where you heard it first
I'd just go with track record....where did you hear first for Sheens, Klemmer, Fainu? Just remember where you heard it first

That only works when the rumour turns out to be true 😛 ( about 1 in 20) … and sometimes a month later like the Fainu’s
Watched Sheen’s presser and he does tend to dither a bit and pushes the same themes over and over, however I don’t think for 1 second that he doesn’t know exactly where we’re at - what our problems are, who our problems are and where we need fixing.
Reading between the lines, Xavier Willison could be part of a swap with Simpkin.

It's well known Bronx want a hooker, and Simpkin moved here from QLD to join us.
No way possible the Broncos would simply be happy to swap Willison for Simpkin.
If this rumour is true and I certainly hope it is, the only explanation could be Willison would only currently be on the minimum wage with the Broncos where we could offer him substantially more.
Players set the standards on the field during the game - and the bar for 90% of our players is very low. Can guarantee most of them have the end of season in sight. The loser mentality is ingrained as a squad - and makes it near impossible for coaches/clubs to break the cycle without a complete overhaul, or some mental miracle that drives the players you have to find something extra. Toa is a classic example of a player who completely dominated and outplayed arguably the best centre in competition with a stellar performance in attack and defence and has gone missing since - coaches nightmare. Barring that he may be carrying some sort of injury - explains why he is in a team running last.
I don't know if Benji can coach but would never measure him by this current squad. Api is a quality player and still is - that explains to me a lot more about our predicament.
Thats all very well and good mate, but youre drawing a comparison with Disneyland and how each employee goes into character once they get into costume. These players arent actors, and they have more of a challenge than acting like mickey mouse. Theyre putting everything on the line and they need to know that the club has their back. They need to know the club gives a Donald Duck.
How has having tnr fastest halfback who can tackle gone for us in the last ten years? The two traits that people keep going on about yet they aren’t the most important trait you need in a halfback. Organising skills, kicking game,getting the ball out to the backs, not folding when the pressure is on and your needed.
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How has having tnr fastest halfback who can tackle gone for us in the last ten years? The two traits that people keep going on about yet they aren’t the most important trait you need in a halfback. Organising skills, kicking him, getting the ball out to the backs, not folding when the pressure is on and you’re needed.
No doubt we need a halfback with the basic skills you have mentioned, but our edge players and outside backs are not good enough to capitalise unless their team mates inside them have a running game good enough to worry the opposition which in turn creates space out wide.
Last night was an example when having two halves that are a running threat, we create plenty of opportunity out wide.
Our attack was more than acceptable last night, defence and physicality to limit the opponents field position were our problems.
Jayden Sullivan is like a young version of Luke Brooks. He’s fast with a very good running game, but he’s not a noted on field leader, he has a poor kicking game and his decision making isn’t up to scratch.
Being young and with next to no better options available, he’s still well worth the risk in hope Benji and our coaching staff can help turn him into a much more complete player.
I probably sound like a broken down record, but I’m adamant Adam Clune is a far superior halfback to Aidan Sezer at this stage of their careers.
It’s rumoured 3-4 Super League clubs are all going hard to sign Clune, none of them want Sezer,
Clune is 5 years younger, much quicker, a better attacking player, kicking game would be on par and the on field talk and leadership is very similar.
Clune’s defence when left isolated is his biggest downfall, but that’s a problem for most halves and the reason why good defensively intimidating second rowers are required to help overcome that problem.
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No doubt we need a halfback with the basic skills you have mentioned, but our edge players and outside backs are not good enough to capitalise unless their team mates inside them have a running game good enough to worry the opposition which in turn creates space out wide.
Last night was an example when having two halves that are a running threat, we create plenty of opportunity out wide.
Our attack was more than acceptable last night, defence and physicality to limit the opponents field position were our problems.
Jayden Sullivan is like a young version of Luke Brooks. He’s fast with a very good running game, but he’s not a noted on field leader, he has a poor kicking game and his decision making isn’t up to scratch.
Being young and with next to no better options available, he’s still well worth the risk in hope Benji and our coaching staff can help turn him into a much more complete player.
I probably sound like a broken down record, but I’m adamant Adam Clune is a far superior halfback to Aidan Sezer at this stage of their careers.
It’s rumoured 3-4 Super League clubs are all going hard to sign Clune, none of them want Sezer,
Clune is 5 years younger, much quicker, a better attacking player, kicking game would be on par and the on field talk and leadership is very similar.
Clune’s defence when left isolated is his biggest downfall, but that’s a problem for most halves and the reason why good defensively intimidating second rowers are required to help overcome that problem.
Based on the above im suprised we aren’t in the mix for him. All I know is having two running half’s doesn’t work. And if you have a fast young 5/8 in fainu, then you don’t need a speedy half rather an organising one.