Crawley Warning - ripping us to shreds

Also isn’t Crawley a dogs supporter ? And coincidentally they’re our only opposition to JAC am I correct in that ? Lol so much agenda ...
@Strongee said in [Crawley Warning \- ripping us to shreds](/post/1226981) said:
Also isn’t Crawley a dogs supporter ? And coincidentally they’re our only opposition to JAC am I correct in that ? Lol so much agenda ...

Edit ; sorry Souths . I knew it was a grub team .
At the risk of sounding like I’ve drunk the cool aid, I honestly believe we are only 12/18months away from finally having a top 8 roster and a premiership winning coach. I applaud the club moving the old guard (and culture) on and I think the recruitment over the past year or so has been spot on. With Packer and Reynolds gone at the end of 2021 and the roster now confirmed at 30 players it looks like we are the on the verge of making some really strong recruitment decisions . 2022 we move into the COE with a 100% Madge squad and then last but not least 2023 with one home ground at the new SFS ;) ok maybe I have drunk the cool aid
These 💩 journos will end up killing our game. It's almost like they have an agenda to have a 6 team comp. These idiots need to understand that league talent needs to be spread out across the comp or what hope to the rest of the club's have. I wish I was a sports journo, u can talk crap and get paid plenty for doing it. I guess if we just start winning games, they'll get off our case.
This bloke makes a lot of assumptions, no quotes or solid evidence in this piece, just sadistic mind-reading and loose interpretations.
The tripe that Crawly spews our you think that he was writing about the club that his employers own, the Broncos they are in a worse mess then we are.
@Swordy said in [Crawley Warning \- ripping us to shreds](/post/1226952) said:
League journo's in general are a pretty low standard. They are clickbait merchants and trying to protect their own empire and generate work, and in essence I dont really blame them for that.

The reader should decide with an educated brain, what is garbage and what isnt.

Paul Crawley though, is at another level. He is the fat kid at school that used to get tripped over and picked on. I don't hold any weight to anything he says. He usually states the obvious or reports on stuff days later. He tries to be the 'heavy hitter' with an opinion. But when you are made of feathers, it's not easy to be that heavy hitter.

I can't help thinking that the whole media attention issue, as usual, is aimed at destabilising the club and getting a high profile scalp. I would bet money that Pascoe or someone else has upset one of the journo's and as such, they will keep trying to chip away to create something and then when that person eventually has enough of the BS and calls it a day, the journo's will trot out the 'See, I told you so" and then move onto their next dribble.

Marina Go upset Slothfield a few years ago we have been copping it from the Telecrap ever sense.
That how petty DT journalists are, dish it out without any thought about what they write, but can’t take any criticism.
Just look at Fox and Nine/ SMH throwing handbags at each other over Griffin appointment at St George.
@Furious1 said in [Crawley Warning \- ripping us to shreds](/post/1226974) said:
Really disappointed @Tiger_Steve obviously didn't find the concrete wall he was searching for.

Geez I’d like to stumble across this absolute moron tonight at BankWest. What angers me is this piece of excrement has a platform and thus can damage our brand. He is a knob but a dangerous knob. I don’t know what the club should do. Sensible heads say ignore this stuff but I don’t know. At some stage you need to stand up to bullies. Jesus we are basically run by brydens lawyers so let’s investigate taking legal action against his slanderous dribble
@Snake said in [Crawley Warning \- ripping us to shreds](/post/1226944) said:
A lot of that article is rubbish but other areas are spot on ! The last 10 yrs at this club have been forgettable unfortunately and when some of it is laid bare it is not good reading.

Don't agree with you often and as fans we might not like it, but no use putting our heads in the sand pretending otherwise. That it has continued through to recent weeks is fact and even though I wanted Benji gone, the way it played out was very poor from both the coach and administration, so whilst disappointed, not even angry at him if he brought out the recent dirty laundry.
Benji on FOX always calls him 'Crawls'...real matey.

I am sure half the leaks are Marshall and the agenda.

Crawley is absolutely useless as a journo.
If the shoe fits .....

Well chance to use this as more siege mentality boys up and shut the journos up tonight

Simple ...the only way this disappears is we start and keep winning
@innsaneink said in [Crawley Warning \- ripping us to shreds](/post/1226949) said:
You're gonna make @jirskyr upset

Nah he put the warning in, I could skip straight over it and save my time.
Yeah alot of trash there but alot of truth also lol. Its like 'hey! thats only partly true!!!' haha =p
Well, we all know what we think of this lowlife Crawley. No need to go there again.

We also know he has an agenda against the tigers, for varying reasons, not the least being that he is a Souffs supporter, a club that rorted the Tigers back in 1909 and been a Scumbag club ever since. He goes on about us not playing finals for ten years, conveniently forgetting that his outdated "Pride of the League" (what a joke that is) didn't win a Premiership for 43 years proving they were losers of the highest order.

The biggest problem I see in the game today is that Souffs are a part of it. They should have been kept out when they were deleted years ago. Unfortunately some clown let them back in. To make them relevant in this game they should be made to Merge with Sydney Roosters or sent to Perth and send Crawley, the drunkard and the DT with them and give us all a break.
I wish he was my neighbour...
And Ivan on the other side 👊🏻

..and Cummins across the street 👊🏻
Can't remember if it was slugley or slothfield that said on 360 "imagine been the bloke that didn't offer tedesco a contract".

Always known journos exaggerate stuff up but to rewrite history.

He's the only guy that make me cringe so hard, only got a job because of his relation
Crawley would stitch his own mother up if it sold papers. Guy’s a ....
Message to Crawley..."are you game to show your face at L.O. for the last game of the year"?....