Meyer: cambo has once last chance

Wests tigers aren't winning the kids over. Maybe we need some new hero's in the team. Can someone throw a flick pass or a goose step?

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Wests tigers aren't winning the kids over. Maybe we need some new hero's in the team. Can someone throw a flick pass or a goose step?

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I hope theres 21 pages dedicated to the next time Leichhardt draws only 5, 000 and 7, 000 respectively like they did twice last yr. What the chances you reckon? yeah, i don't think so either.
Some great points here. Once we get past the theories of low incomes, too many Asians and other stereotypical comments, how about we acknowledge the elephant in the room.

Wests Tigers have no connection to the area other than taking the juniors. Other than this fact, there are few if any synergies between the area and the club. The article is right: all those decisions in 2005 are now hitting home. Markets don't die overnight, they die slowly and this is where we have arrived. It is what it is, a horrible marketing strategy.
@diedpretty said:
The only people who constantly whinge about poor crowds at Campbelltown are the inner city crowd. I'd like to know how many of the 16000 that braved the atrocious conditions at Leichhardt because they are the real supporters of the Tigers actually went to the Campbelltown game or for that matter have ever been to any game at Campbelltown.

That is a poor argument. Leichardt seems to be able to draw a crowd and Campbelltown doesnt simple as that. Cambelltown crowds have been on the decline for a while now. The issue is not the 'inner city crowd' not going to Campbelltown. It is the Campbelltown folks not going to Cambelltown.

As for the underlying article it makes no sense. Nothing there makes the case as to why actions of the Weststigers have affected crowds at one ground and not another.

If I were to venture a case as to why Campbelltown crowds are down I would place two factors high on the list:

First there would be a high proportion of the population in that area that are sensitive as to where their discretionary dollars are spent. These days they are probably more likely to be spent on Foxtel rather than going to rugby league games - check out Penrith's crowd figures in recent years - I think much the same applies to that club.

Second, there is now a lot of competition with GWS and the Wanderers.

Apart from that, as many others have noted, Campbelltown has been getting the rough end of the pineapple with matches scheduled there for some time.

Even allowing for all of the above, the attendance on Saturday was staggeringly low.

I think the only difference in this whole saga is that the media and certain factions make a big hullabaloo of it when there are low crowds at Campbelltown, but say squat when there is a low crowd turnout at Leichhardt.
@Ed Reschs said:
Wests tigers aren't winning the kids over. Maybe we need some new hero's in the team. Can someone throw a flick pass or a goose step?

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Good point Ed. What we need is a low income earning Asian to fill the role. How times have changed since we played. We only thought of Asians and rugby league when we needed something to eat after beers in the shed.
I wasn't there but I'm lead to believe the "Wests" chant went up in protest while others chanting "Tigers…Tigers....Tigers". If this is true then I agree with Mary. If not then as others have said I think she is just misguided. Yes people can chant whatever they want but if it was a deliberate attempt to antagonise and be divisive then they are just as much in the wrong. What followed last night on social media was shameful and unacceptable from members of a particular facebook group.

Side note, a lot of the people who were chanting "Wests" are the same people who cry foul over orange jerseys and the team being referred to as the "Tigers". As I said there is more than one party at fault here and multiple agendas that people seem to feel the need to be constantly satisfied. Well I won't be satisfied until we have a 100% embrace of WESTS TIGERS, not Balmain this is better than Wests that and Wests this is better than Balmain that. None of it should matter anymore. No matter how much of a stink you kick up your old team isn't coming back. There should be no 'sides' of the club, it should only be seen now as one and whole. Any problems you have with that should be taken up formally and appropriately and not with a barrage of personal abuse.
@Gary Bakerloo said:
@Ed Reschs said:
Wests tigers aren't winning the kids over. Maybe we need some new hero's in the team. Can someone throw a flick pass or a goose step?

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Good point Ed. What we need is a low income earning Asian to fill the role. How times have changed since we played. We only thought of Asians and rugby league when we needed something to eat after beers in the shed.

Was it Dennis Bendall's family's restaurant?
The greatest irony in the whole discussion is that Campbelltown really embraced the JV in the early years. Crowds were solid and well in excess of Leichhardt. For some reason, Leichhardt seemed to struggle to embrace the JV till around 2004.
Does anyone have stats on Saturday night attendances at Leichhardt & Campbelltown for the last 3yrs? People are right, the 2 grounds perform well on Friday & Sundays. I believe, it's not the club or where the game is played, but when it is played. Go Weststigers!
If the chants were a protest big deal. Remember at an away game in my desperation while we were defending I cried hold out Wests a couple of times and a guy with a Balmain Saxonvale jumper from 85 kept adding Tigers immediately after.

For me the maggies were the reason I followed RL and the WT. Not just a memory. I want the link.

But I will be happy when people ask me who I follow and when I reply the WT the don"t say ahh a Balmain supporter.
@diedpretty said:
I have no idea what Mayer's agenda is in making this threat but one thing it has certainly done is ignited all the underlying hatred from both camps of fans. We'll done Grant all the good work to build a united fan base has been destroyed with one remark that was probably made in frustration on the spur of the moment.

Yep, I bet he wished he could retract his comment.
I actually wrote a letter congratulating Wests Tigers for their efforts to reconcile with the Wests side of the joint venture at the Magpies AGM…

Their decision to charge the Magpies a fee to sell merchandise at the game, and then his comments threatening to end games at Campbelltown undid a lot of good work. :crazy
Grant Mayer answers criticisms of Wests Tigers
By Alicia Sylvester
April 15, 2014, 4:34 p.m.

Fans and community leaders have offered their reasons why people didn’t turn up to watch Wests Tigers take on the Cowboys at Campbelltown Sports Stadium on Saturday night.

Wests Tigers chief executive Grant Mayer spoke to the Advertiser to answer the criticism.

Criticism: Ticket prices are too high

‘‘We’ve got to retain some form of consistency in regards to how we price our tickets,’’ Mr Mayer said.

‘‘Those prices haven’t moved from 2013 as we understand our market is exceptionally price sensitive.’’

He said bargains were available if punters looked for them, particularly through membership deals. He pointed to the adult bronze ‘‘Claws’’ membership as an example. The package includes eight games at ANZ Stadium for $50\. A ‘‘flexi ticket’’ add on for $25 includes an extra two tickets to any home game, including Campbelltown. That’s $12.50 a game.

Criticism: The ‘‘$10 tickets before 4pm’’ deal was not promoted

Mr Mayer said deals such as this or the one offered to members of Wests League Club — a corporate partner of Wests Tigers — were ‘‘non-published’’ as the club could not ‘‘devalue’’ memberships.

‘‘We’ve always said the best way to support your club is to become a member,’’ he said.

Criticism: The teams Wests Tigers play at Campbelltown aren’t good enough

‘‘If people are holding out hope to see the Bulldogs, South Sydney and the top four Sydney-based sides at Campbelltown in the next 12 months, unfortunately it won’t happen,’’ Mr Mayer said.

He said 30,000 people were likely to turn up to ANZ Stadium on Monday night for the clash between the Wests Tigers and the Parramatta Eels.

‘‘Pirtek Stadium [in Parramatta], Leichhardt Oval and Campbelltown Sports Stadium can’t hold that many people.’’

Criticism: The club assigns the games with non-Sydney teams to Campbelltown, including the Cowboys on Saturday night

‘‘Surely one of the greatest players in rugby league history in Johnathan Thurston deserves a bigger crowd than he got,’’ Mr Mayer said.

He named international players Brent Tate, James Tamou and Matt Scott as other ‘‘big name’’ drawcards.

‘‘The quality of players was unbelievable,’’ he said.

‘‘The superstars were on show.’’

Criticism: Promotion of the game was not good enough

Mr Mayer said last Saturday night’s game was heavily promoted on the club’s website — which has the most traffic of any club in the NRL — and on social media which reaches 30,000 people on Twitter and nearly 200,000 people on Facebook.

He said there were the traditional promotional banners near Campbelltown Mall and Campbelltown Skate Park to capture traffic driving into the area.

He said players Tim Simona and local boy Sauaso (Jesse) Sue appeared at Gearzone at Macarthur Square on Thursday night but only 50 people turned up to the event. That signing event was promoted on social media and at Macarthur Square.

The club also held its weekly media conference at Campbelltown Sports Stadium on Friday morning to promote the game.

‘‘We had one Channel Nine reporter, one Sydney Morning Herald reporter and two local press from your newspaper; that’s about a third of the number of journos we get for our open [media] sessions,’’ Mr Mayer said.
I truly feel sorry for magpies supporters, they are the gypsies of rugby league, from st Luke's park to pattern park, then to lidcombe oval and finally Campbeltown oval. 4 flags and 17 wooden spoons yet this tiny minority is rather annoyingly vocal. The irony is that the tigers kept the wests in rugby league in 1999\. Maybe the "wests" side should show some more respect to the tigers.. Anyway here is a few points to consider

1)The SW has no real historical attachment to the magpies beyond 87, why are we blaming the locals, from 87 to 99 the magpies at cambletown won 4 spoons, hardly wooing the locals

2)Instead of whinging and feeling sorry for yourselves, how about you Maggie's fill coo with 20000, then we can convince the government to develop coo and we can move down at coo permanently? You have to build a case not based on emotions, look at wsw.. They are getting the crowds hence the government will increase the capacity at parra stadium

3)if the Maggie's want a big magpie on the sleeve then how about we put a big balmain on the other sleeve? Or change our name to balmaim magpies?

4) for those who refer to us as the free loaders, please refer back 99

5) and those who are making the comparison between LOO 2013 and COO 2014 crowds that's insane, tigers were on the downer in 2013 and there was blizzard like whether at both games, 6500 doesn't cut it considering it was a dry night and the tigers are playing some great footy in 2014

6) maybe no one likes league in cambletown? It's not impossible is it? Hobart raiders are struggling with crowd too?

If the magpies can get 20000 every week then we'd have the wests magpies playing out of coo not wests tigers, but they can't hence put up with this unhappy marriage until we all die out or go watch wsw. A whole lot of talk but no action…

I'm sick of it, awwwwww I want a Maggie every where... as if that's going to bring the entire cambeltown to coo

Build a case as to why we need more magpie? And stop whinging and stop dividing the club.. Let go of the past... I support the westsssssss Tigers.. Has anyone been to lidcombe oval lately? It's like Kazakhstan... Nothing left of the magpies... Dead as balmain is, soon balmain leagues may be dead all together, what can you do?. Such is life

Btw the draw is rather even, if the fans are there then they will come... Awwwwww if only Sydney teams daw big crowds then what does that tell you?

The Advertiser did an analysis of crowd figures at Campbelltown and Leichhardt over the past nine years. The results are surprising and may debunk the "we only get non-Sydney teams" or "no one wants to watch non-Sydney teams" arguments:

■ The highest crowd at Campbelltown last year was in round seven against Brisbane on a Saturday night (11,547 people). Similarly, there was only a difference of 500 people who turned up to watch games against Parramatta (14,822) and Canberra (14,388) during Monday night games in 2012.

■ And in the past four years, Leichhardt Oval's 16 games have been against 11 non-Sydney teams, compared to eight non-Sydney teams at Campbelltown. Yet the average crowd at Leichhardt (14,827) over the same period is higher than the average at Campbelltown (13,751).

■ There was a huge outcry between 2005 and 2009 when only three games a year were played at Campbelltown. The average crowd in that period was 15,605\. The 15 games included 10 non-Sydney teams. The club has played four games in the area each year since 2010\. Average crowds since then have dropped to 13,751\. The 16 games included eight non-Sydney teams.
@galahs said:
@diedpretty said:
I have no idea what Mayer's agenda is in making this threat but one thing it has certainly done is ignited all the underlying hatred from both camps of fans. We'll done Grant all the good work to build a united fan base has been destroyed with one remark that was probably made in frustration on the spur of the moment.

Yep, I bet he wished he could retract his comment.
I actually wrote a letter congratulating Wests Tigers for their efforts to reconcile with the Wests side of the joint venture at the Magpies AGM…

**Their decision to charge the Magpies a fee to sell merchandise at the game**, and then his comments threatening to end games at Campbelltown undid a lot of good work. :crazy

Who gives a shit. Is it money coming out of your pocket? I feel like my passion for this club draining, and its cos of idiots constantly pushing these petty agendas.

Embrace it, or move on and do something else with your life.
Are you serious? You support the Wests Tigers decision to charge the Magpies a fee to sell merchandise at Campbelltown Stadium. All money that the club raises goes towards providing Rugby League opportunities to juniors and seniors from the local area.

That'll do me.
I don't give a crap either way. Its not going influence my feelings towards the club as a whole. I have more important things to worry about.
i am truly sorry you don't think looking after the juniors of Wests Tigers catchment area as important.

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