Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

I guess if KT wants out of any contract with manly he can play the race card , don’t won’t to go there as they want me to wear a rainbow jersey. No different to mental health , when it suits others
I guess if KT wants out of any contract with manly he can play the race card , don’t won’t to go there as they want me to wear a rainbow jersey. No different to mental health , when it suits others
Or maybe he doesn't agree with the treatment of people at the MW set up.
Re. the contract extension for Brooks, I doubt he’ll play a traditional HB role, not while Hastings is running the team from lock. He’ll play more of a 5/8 role on the left using his pace to create overlaps. I don’t mind it as long as the price is right. Also creates a good balance with AD playing more of a power role on the right edge. Everyone can see we’ve improved a heap with Hastings at lock. If we can save some $$ on Brooks contract, we can use that to attract some backs with real pace & forwards who can dominate the ruck.
Need to lock in Hastings first though. If we are using Brooks as a second 5/8 and Hastings moves on, we're stuck with Brooks as our general again.
Personally, I'm hoping this is just a front to increase the percentage the other team, be that Knights or Dolphins or Dogs, are willing to contribute to his salary from '23 onwards. If we make the right noises around keeping him, i.e. define his role moving forward, that increases his perceived value to us.
I think you underestimate how much halves are worth on the current market,while 2018 brooks wasn't really elite he was at least a solid first grade half.

Granted brooks hasn't played anything close to that since 2020 so hid market rate is probably around 500k give or take a 100
I would like to know how his pay packet got so out of control “back ended”
Please can anyone explain… Madge!!
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Need to lock in Hastings first though. If we are using Brooks as a second 5/8 and Hastings moves on, we're stuck with Brooks as our general again.
Personally, I'm hoping this is just a front to increase the percentage the other team, be that Knights or Dolphins or Dogs, are willing to contribute to his salary from '23 onwards. If we make the right noises around keeping him, i.e. define his role moving forward, that increases his perceived value to us.
Not to put a damper on matters, but Hastings has significant rehabilitation ahead of him.
We should swoop on Klemmer, looks to be on the outer at knights. Forgot Woods, get Klemmer
We should straight swap Klemmer with Brooks, similar contract values & same contract length... done and dusted.

Woods and Klemmer meant to be great mates from NSW days... maybe he can make Woods better again...??

Plus please sign Madden!
Gus needs to remember he’s the employee of an NRL club. This constant sniping and criticism of how other clubs manage their affairs is unprofessional. If he wants to be a pundit he should go back to being a full time commentator.
Yes that is true. I would imagine Canterbury would have an interest in Klemmer also.
Gus needs to remember he’s the employee of an NRL club. This constant sniping and criticism of how other clubs manage their affairs is unprofessional. If he wants to be a pundit he should go back to being a full time commentator.
I totally agree. I think Gus changed like the game, either self interest or no interest. Gus is not a journo, see what conflict of interest has done.
There are plenty of takers for Madden...he wants to stay with the Tigers, he is waiting to see what the club does with Brooks first...Madden also knows the other clubs will wait as there aren't many quality halves free for 2023
I think Madden is rolling the dice. We win in the next few weeks his stocks rise, we lose and he goes back to being a reserve grade quality signing. His manager is getting us much as he can out of last weeks win.