We need one home?

the balmain side of the joint venture will not let leichhardt oval be droped as a home game venue , doesnt matter what we think or want
How about 12 games at L O in Magpie colours and following year 12 games at C S in Balmain colours. Rotating every year. To uphold community interest play NYC at the vacant grounds in traditional district colors.
_Posted using RoarFEED 2012_
It's not about Balmain and Wests. Leichhardt Oval is past its use by date. We need a safer modern ground for both spectators and players.
Leichardt's days surely must almost be numbered. If we're still playing there in 10 years i will be stunned
ok well lets go to sfs or homebush and call that ground home…..cause c-town isnt much better...i do agree with the ammentities at leichhardt are shocking.

The crowds do the talking.
@tiger4ever said:
ok well lets go to sfs or homebush and call that ground home…..cause c-town isnt much better...i do agree with the ammentities at leichhardt are shocking.

The crowds do the talking.

Not much better? Please, C-town is the Ritz Carlton compared to Leichardt
the crowds are the people who are prepared to pay and go to the grounds , , which ground gets the most people , im not sure , but somebody must know
in your opinion yes…i dont agree....oh yes the toilets are better i forgot.who gets the biggest crowds ....thats all that matters.How many games do we win....gee those 2 things are important to a club.

You can think what you what plenty dont agree

leichhardt gets more people through the gates....out of our 2 traditional home grounds
Leichhardt Oval is a disgrace, period. I would like to play all of our games at one ground. Don't care which as long as we lose Leichhardt.

The reason more people get to Leichhardt is because they always get Sunday games. I would like to see a stat that shows this breakdown. It seems Campbelltown rarely gets Sundays. I amy be mistaken though??
i thought leichhardt got more to the games but some are saying SFS , i love leichhardt oval , and i agree it needs some fixing up , but not to play their would be wrong
shane your wrong but keep that excuse going…..so if they dont play any at c-town it wont bother you....yeah right.
@tiger4ever said:
in your opinion yes…i dont agree....oh yes the toilets are better i forgot.who gets the biggest crowds ....thats all that matters.How many games do we win....gee those 2 things are important to a club.

You can think what you what plenty dont agree

leichhardt gets more people through the gates....out of our 2 traditional home grounds

You just admitted that the facilities are shochking at Leichardt, and you said C'town wasn't much better. Well what exactly about the facilities aren't much better? Yes the toilets, the parking, public transport being nearby and a leagues club right next door are all advantages C'town have over Leichardt. Your comment that if we leave Leichardt we leave C'town sounds like bitterness in saying 'if we can't play at Leichardt, we shouldn't play at C'town either'. Why should C'town suffer just because Leichardt isn't up to scratch? theres nothing wrong with the conditions at C'town. And as far as attendances go, maybe questions should be asked of supporters who don't travel to support their team
grn4life you can keep banging on about campbelltown over leichhardt but the balmain side of the venture wont let it happen , im not knocking campbelltown , ive been to games their , but leichhardt will remain one of our homes , sorry mate but that is the reality ,
dont go down there…i live at blacktown and go to both when i can.if we played at leichhardt and not c-town would you be happy...anyway wont happen so keep whinging about it.

You always think your right dont you.

I said equal share and some wally wants us to desert leichhardt oval.

Wests are lucky they have a club to follow so dont cry me a river
@andrew 474 said:
grn4life you can keep banging on about campbelltown over leichhardt but the balmain side of the venture wont let it happen , im not knocking campbelltown , ive been to games their , but leichhardt will remain one of our homes , sorry mate but that is the reality ,

yeah but for how long?
@tiger4ever said:
dont go down there…i live at blacktown and go to both when i can.if we played at leichhardt and not c-town would you be happy...anyway wont happen so keep whinging about it.

You always think your right dont you.

I said equal share and some wally wants us to desert leichhardt oval.

Wests are lucky they have a club to follow so dont cry me a river

Facts aren't crying rivers
@GNR4LIFE said:
@tiger4ever said:
dont go down there…i live at blacktown and go to both when i can.if we played at leichhardt and not c-town would you be happy...anyway wont happen so keep whinging about it.

You always think your right dont you.

I said equal share and some wally wants us to desert leichhardt oval.

Wests are lucky they have a club to follow so dont cry me a river

Facts aren't crying rivers

What facts leichhardt gets more crowd and we win more games there….yeah your right again
i noticed you missed the facts about the facilities. Not that it surprises me
Why the need to play equal amount of games at LO & CS ? Not like the joint venture agreement is been followed now…
_Posted using RoarFEED 2012_