Any chance there might be a new signing soon


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2013
The daily telegraph are reporting today that the nrl estimate the eel's are $570,000 over the cap
And need to shave it off to comply with the 2016 cap before they can begin earning point's again. Was just wondering if there may be a chance we could have some more signing news coming. Who
Is on you guy's wish list. There is a good likely hood two or three clubs will be picking up some good players with subsidised contracts.
If I were them I would release Junior Paulo early to Canberra and try to clear Watmough off the books via retirement, that would just about get them under.

The dud Watmough signing has really stuffed them up. They only signed him last year as a marquee 2nd rower and they had to re-enter that market this year for another marquee 2nd rower in Beau Scott to fill the role Watmough was supposed to.
@Nelson said:
The dud Watmough signing has really stuffed them up. They only signed him last year as a marquee 2nd rower and they had to re-enter that market this year for another marquee 2nd rower in Beau Scott to fill the role Watmough was supposed to.

No they didn't have to re-enter the market for another marquee. Like the compliant clubs, if they stuffed up a signing, they were supposed to cop it sweet and bide their time, not go straight back out into the market and buy another high-priced player.
watmough cant come of there cap as he is injured. my son is friends with jennings young brother and he told him that he was unhappy at the eels due to all the crap going on, he would be the centre we need at a good price.. hadley had one of the sports writers on this morning they said that parra have to shed 3-6 players to get under the cap. eg: if a player is on $200,000 and another club sign him for $140,000 they still need to get the $60,000 FROM ANOTHER PLAYER AND SO ON.
@Nelson said:
If I were them I would release Junior Paulo early to Canberra and try to clear Watmough off the books via retirement, that would just about get them under.

The dud Watmough signing has really stuffed them up. They only signed him last year as a marquee 2nd rower and they had to re-enter that market this year for another marquee 2nd rower in Beau Scott to fill the role Watmough was supposed to.

That would be depending on if Canberra have room for him in the 2016 cap yeah? I'm hoping we can grab Tanginoa
Titans will be licking their lips as they are one of the few clubs in the NRL with supposedly plenty of room to manoeuvre under the cap for 2016\. But if Parramatta have to shed players at bargain prices then a number of clubs will surely be interested in reviewing what space they have available for 2016!!
We just signed Taylor…

Don't know why people would think Parra's Woah's will equate to Wests Tigers signing players...Our Cap is still in need of surgery...At least we do it legally...
@bp tiger said:
watmough cant come of there cap as he is injured. my son is friends with jennings young brother and he told him that he was unhappy at the eels due to all the crap going on, he would be the centre we need at a good price.. hadley had one of the sports writers on this morning they said that parra have to shed 3-6 players to get under the cap. eg: if a player is on $200,000 and another club sign him for $140,000 they still need to get the $60,000 FROM ANOTHER PLAYER AND SO ON.

Jennings is an interesting one, surely the Chooks would still be footing some of that bill too.
I think we are probably right on the max after signing ET, what we need is a top class goal kicking centre
@supercoach said:
I think we are probably right on the max after signing ET, what we need is a top class goal kicking centre

I do not care what position he would play but a kicker is required ASAP!
@Snake said:
@supercoach said:
I think we are probably right on the max after signing ET, what we need is a top class goal kicking centre

I do not care what position he would play but a kicker is required ASAP!

Micheal Gordon
@Boonboon2 said:
@Snake said:
@supercoach said:
I think we are probably right on the max after signing ET, what we need is a top class goal kicking centre

I do not care what position he would play but a kicker is required ASAP!

Micheal Gordon

He would be very handy, cover Teddy,play wing and kick goals
@swag tiger said:
We could go for Norman or Jennings. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Or we could take both. Easy, just put em on back ended contracts :laughing:
Maybe we can get Tagatese, he'd love to play for Taylor :roll
@Nelson said:
If I were them I would release Junior Paulo early to Canberra and try to clear Watmough off the books via retirement, that would just about get them under.

The dud Watmough signing has really stuffed them up. They only signed him last year as a marquee 2nd rower and they had to re-enter that market this year for another marquee 2nd rower in Beau Scott to fill the role Watmough was supposed to.

That will only work if Watmough does a Gasnier and retires without any remuneration. But then again they could just pay him out under the table.
Be interesting to see how they go about it.

If it is deemed that Watmough will never play again, they only have to pay 25% of his contract (in real terms) and get a (part) salary cap exemption. So declaring him medically unfit does relieve that pressure, however if Choc wants to contest he is fit, than he gets the remaining 2 years pay, so he will try and get back, even for a single lower grade game (very similar to Yow Yeh).

If they flick one highly paid player, that can solve it in 1 hit. The anwser would be Scott, someone would pay full price, they cant meke the finals this year anyway and next year was probably his last, least long term pain, and the problem is solved.

The other option is releasing a number of mid range players, but every time they do that another player enter the top 25, so dropping a $100k player only frees up $20k of space assuming the replacement is on league minimum. So they have to drop 5-8 players if that is there strategy.

Left field option is basically say stuff them, not clear the books for this year, and play for no points, and work to fix it for next year and beyond.
They have blatantly cheated the Cap since 2013 it says on the NRL site, they deserve everything that comes there way.
The saddest thing for them is they were still cheating the Cap, winning the Wooden spoon and not making the Top 8 while they were cheating :laughing:
Seems like Watmough has them over a barrel, unless they decide to punt 2016 entirely and retool for next year (probably the most sensible decision, but I can't imagine Parra fans wearing the club basically saying "we might not get under the cap for another couple of months as we'll only be doing sensible deals, but please keep turning up to see us play for no points in the mean time").

So they have two choices, pretty much: lose $570,000 worth of contracts - net - from their current playing roster, or persuade Watmough to retire. They won't be able to give him a bung to do so, either, because you can bet the NRL will be watching what goes on there *very* closely.

I imagine they'll be a lot of pressure on Watmough to "do the right thing" and walk away from a contract "he'll never earn". But screw that: it's not his fault Parra gave him a dud contract to leave Manly. I can't stand the guy but that's money he's entitled to - he lost a lot of friends at Manly to take it and he's under absolutely no obligation to just give it away now. If I was him I'd be saying "so what are you going to do for me if I retire?"
I think we should offer to take radradra for $50,000 just to see the response. Honestly it's hard for me to feel sorry for anyone in the situation at the moment. Board, players or Fan's
I mean this is what our club's been struggeling with for the past few years balancing the cap but we've done it legally. Our players have had to play in under strength teams and us fans have been made to wait for success till our cap mess is sorted. We as fans are the ones doing the hard yards not the fans of the team who decided to rort the cap and got caught instead of going through the short term pain like us to get their house in order properly.
@Goose said:
Be interesting to see how they go about it.

If it is deemed that Watmough will never play again, they only have to pay 25% of his contract (in real terms) and get a (part) salary cap exemption. So declaring him medically unfit does relieve that pressure, however if Choc wants to contest he is fit, than he gets the remaining 2 years pay, so he will try and get back, even for a single lower grade game (very similar to Yow Yeh).

If they flick one highly paid player, that can solve it in 1 hit. The anwser would be Scott, someone would pay full price, they cant meke the finals this year anyway and next year was probably his last, least long term pain, and the problem is solved.

The other option is releasing a number of mid range players, but every time they do that another player enter the top 25, so dropping a $100k player only frees up $20k of space assuming the replacement is on league minimum. So they have to drop 5-8 players if that is there strategy.

Left field option is basically say stuff them, not clear the books for this year, and play for no points, and work to fix it for next year and beyond.

I'd say letting Norman go early might be the best of a bunch of bad options - he's probably gone at the end of this year anyway now they aren't going to be able to cheat on the cap in 2017, and realistically the finals are probably gone this year. I just can't see Parra playing for no points for more than a game or two - they'll have to get this money cleared in the next couple of weeks. The issue of course is that if Norman goes they won't have any halves at all given the Foran situation but, again, if they're punting 2016 at least this way they will go into 2017 with more or less the squad they ought to have expected.

I also just read that even if Watmough retires now Parra will only be able to pro-rate the cap adjustment. I'm not sure exactly how that works but if it's as simple as proportion of the season played that means they're stuck with a third of the $700,000 for the amount of the season Watmough's been on the roster - so a saving of $470,000\. Add in the minimum salary player they'll have to add to the squad and they'll still need to find roughly $200,000 reduction for this season…