Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

If I remember that tackle, I think it was possibly the first time we saw the hip drop in action - Mannah on Taniela. I was at the game, but way too many beers for a clear recollection. My apologies to Tim Mannah if this was wrong, but I would love to see the tackle again.

It was Ben Smith I'm pretty sure. Total grub player he was.
Top 30 can play from Round 1 all year. Development players train full time with the top 30 but cannot play first grade until Round 10 or 12 its one of them. Train and trial players can’t be selected until the same Round 10-12 but I don’t think they train all year with the 30 unless they are seen in the clubs long term plans, or depending on their age.
It used to be a limit of 6 development players who could train with the nrl side??
I believe their wage has been increased from 60k to 125k.
The train and trial are on 1k a week hopefully seeking a contract during preseason training.
KR I imagine what your saying about a train and trial continuing to train after season starts maybe someone like Josh Reynolds at the dogs. Providing he's happy with 1k a week he could possibly keep training until a spot opens up 🤔 a bit wishy washy hey and is this an avenue to exploit the rules?
In all cases the trials is big deal for a lot of these new guys trying to secure a contract.
If I remember that tackle, I think it was possibly the first time we saw the hip drop in action - Mannah on Taniela. I was at the game, but way too many beers for a clear recollection. My apologies to Tim Mannah if this was wrong, but I would love to see the tackle again.

The game is on YouTube
I'm not too fussed whether we sign Moses or not because while I like him as a player, I don't like him as a person and even if it would benefit our team, I wouldn't be too fond of cheering him on.

With that said, I wouldn't worry at all about his age. Players without an extensive history of major injuries and who carry themselves in a professional manner are ending up as good in their early 30s as they are in their late 20s these days. It's not as though his playing style is entirely based on his physical attributes (though admittedly he does benefit from being fast), so even if he does lose a yard of pace, he'll still be fine.
And, sorry to be negative, but this brings me to another one of my big issues with the game at the moment. I mentioned player entitlement before (players who demand particular positions) but, probably, my biggest reservation, suspicion, frustration and, in the end, HATE, is of the salary cap. It's one thing that the weaker clubs have to pay way overs to secure any of the decent players (that's to be expected as these clubs need to balance their unattractiveness with more cash) but, the fact that the strong clubs (and one in particular) are able to rort the cap by with TPAs and dishonest salary disclosures is a real damnation of the game. Surely, someone in the NRL administration can show some balls and, finally, do something about it!!
By the way these are the aspects of the game that I believe are killing it at the moment, in no particular order;
*Rorting of salary cap
*Inconsistent implementation of salary cap penalties (the Farah ambassador role fiasco)
*Inconsistent and biased refereeing decisions
*Willy willy-nilly nature of 6 again calls
*Inconsistent judiciary decisions that smack of club/ player favouritism
Yes, I'm saying there's corruption in the game.
*The wrestle (and constant holding down, shoving in the play the ball)
*The endless bombs and equal points reward for a lucky try from a kick as compared to try scored through the hands.
*knock-ons that are clearly not knock-ons
*Fullbacks forced into the in goal after a brave and skilful take of a bomb.
*3 or 4 players ganging up to drag a player over the sideline.
Yes, I'm saying the game sometimes lacks basic fairness.
*Unwillingness of the administrators to do anything about much of the above
*other areas I have not thought of
Once again, apologies for my negativity and I realise that my diatribe should probably be on another thread....should I start one moderators? I've needed to get this all off my chest for some time and I'm sure I speak for others when I say that the game could be so much better, especially if it wants to keep all its loyal fans.
Having said all this, I obviously still enjoy the game and I definitely love the Wests Tigers.........unreservedly!
Very thoughtful piece SD. I’m Sure it captures the thoughts of many on this forum.
Whilst there are two parts to your commentary;
1. Admin and,
2. Game situations
I’m sure it should start at the admin of the sc where a level playing field is established ( pardon the pun). Rule changes come and go and can be addressed season on season but the NRL has to talk the talk, and walk the walk, ensuring there is a consistency across all clubs ( including you Nick) in adaptation of the cap rules.
That could mean we all play by the book, or all clubs can bend the rules in the same way.
Just using g Roosters as an example, they have some heavy hitters supporting the club but if they do work outside the norm, it should be shared with all.
Over to you Peter VL and Andrew A to sort this out, fast.
If you were a caller who hasn't been on before why would you say Ken for Cobbo. I mean seriously that's is so unrealistic it's not funny. If I was talking on radio I'd want to sound sane 😂😂

You obviously don't listen to 2GB because there is nobody sane on there either hosting it or listening to it
I'll hazard a guess and say if Douhi partnership with Brooks doesn't work out and Douhi doesn't lower his 900k price tag we will be making noises next year looking for someone to come in and I think Douhi might be out the door. Hope it works I like Douhi just not 900k worth of like.
I like Douehi too, but he has a hide asking for 900k considering he’s done bugger all so far in his playing career. Start playing well consistently and we might consider it.
In case it has not yet been mentioned. On Talkin Sport this morning someone mentioned a possible swap Cobbo and Kenny. Would be a great move though don’t see it happening. On principle and club values if Brisbane have any it should! Otherwise Kevie is gone!

Would take that instantly.
True speed and xfactor & would probably solve the fullback debate as well.
I like Douehi too, but he has a hide asking for 900k considering he’s done bugger all so far in his playing career. Start playing well consistently and we might consider it.
If it's genuine he wants 900k he would have to be England bound, I love the guy, he's all heart, but not worth nowhere near 900k
In case it has not yet been mentioned. On Talkin Sport this morning someone mentioned a possible swap Cobbo and Kenny. Would be a great move though don’t see it happening. On principle and club values if Brisbane have any it should! Otherwise Kevie is gone!
as some have said in the past, it is not fantasy football my friend.. zero chance of a cobbo and Ken M swap
More chance of Demps or Hobbo becoming Brooks number supporter than that happening ;)
If I remember that tackle, I think it was possibly the first time we saw the hip drop in action - Mannah on Taniela. I was at the game, but way too many beers for a clear recollection. My apologies to Tim Mannah if this was wrong, but I would love to see the tackle again.

Good point mate you're probably right.

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